Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Summertime Outfit Roundup

Happy Autumn! I feel like this summer really flew by – but maybe that's because I managed to fit in so many fun things! Here are some of my outfit (and real life) highlights from the past few months:

outfit roundup

In June, I went out in search of lilacs, poppies and strawberries! I busied myself with rehearsals and received dresses from my dearest friends. I even won an Instagram contest! It was very nice start to the summer.

summer outfit

In July, I went cherry picking and visited a rose garden right in the middle of the city. I also visited a transportation museum, watched fireworks and performed in an awesome show. July was a pretty memorable month!

outfit posts

August was filled with friends on both the west and east coasts! I finally met both Kate and Ashley in person, and it was wonderful to find out that our friendship extends beyond the Internet. I also got to see old friends, and it was nice to know that time and distance doesn't change real, lasting bonds. Plus, I saw a few great movies, went to Disneyland and the Renaissance Faire, and ate a lot of yummy food!

What was your favorite thing you did this summer?

Monday, December 30, 2013

2013: a wrap up & send off

I can scarcely believe that 2013 is drawing to a close.  As many of you know, this year has been a pretty difficult one for me; not only am I still struggling to find my place in the world and some semblance of independence, but the break up of my nearly-3-year relationship really pulled the rug out from under me, and I'm still reeling from that a bit.  But this year has had some really great things, too.  I've been forced to re-evaluate my priorities (something with which I am still grappling), and find what truly makes me happy.  I have caring, loving, hilarious, creative people in my life.  I have taken stock of what I have (and what I haven't....... name that musical), and I know I am a very fortunate girl.  I have dealt with immense heartbreak, but I have been surprisingly resilient.  I am still able to find so much joy.  This blog is one of the things in my life that continues to bring me joy.  Although I have not been blogging for quite one year yet (that'll happen in February!), I still wanted to give a look back at some of my favorite outfit posts from 2013 (try not to cringe too much at the early photos!):

During the early stages of my blog, I was just starting to figure out my camera.  In February, I started my blog and wore the prettiest pink feather dress.  In March, I started workshopping a staged reading and wore a cat-themed newspaper print dress.  In April, I saw a lot of Shakespeare and wore a dress with the dreamiest collar in all of creation.

                                  February                            March                               April 

This summer was strewn with flowers, it seems.  In May, I wore a lilac dress to the Lilac Festival.  In June, I dressed up like a rose and reaffirmed my unapologetically-girly aesthetic.  In July, I frolicked amongst purple thistles in lavender garb.

                                     May                                 June                                   July

In August, I crammed in lots of summery things, started rehearsals for a show I loved, and vowed to wear more vintage.  In September, I endured tremendous heartbreak, but still managed to find some joy.  In October, I celebrated my birthday and Halloween, rehearsed for two shows at once and wore some of my favorite outfits to date.

                                 August                             September                           October

In November, I wore a Betsey Johnson bag, played a witch 24/7 in children's theatre shows and finally started feeling like myself again.  In December, I braved the snow and had lots of family time.

                                            November                                            December

I feel like I really hit my stride with my blogging this fall (ironically enough, since everything else in my life sort of fell apart), especially when I was asked to be a part of Flock Together.  In spite of what I went through, I did enjoy many aspects of 2013.  Nevertheless, I am glad to see it go, and I welcome whatever comes my way in 2014.  :) 

Have a wonderful Monday!
xox Sammi