Thursday, January 1, 2015

Resolutions & Wrap-Ups


Happy New Year!  I normally feature a blogger Q&A interview post on the first of the month, but since today marks the beginning of a brand new year, I wanted to share some of my 2015 resolutions with you.  I've found that it really helps me to write down my goals by hand and then display them; I know some people have enough will-power to keep them in mind all the time, but I need a good visual component.  And speaking of visuals... I know I recently did a seasonal round-up of outfits from this past autumn, but I wanted to include a small sampling of my favorite outfits from the last 365 days -- just to remind myself that although this was a tough year, it was filled with a lot of great ensembles!

new year's resolutions

I came up with a goal chart earlier in the year, at a time when I was feeling very lost and in limbo.  I found it helpful to divide my goals into different categories, so I decided to continue with that for my resolutions list.  For instance, my health goals include sticking to my Weight Watchers tracking, implementing more exercise into my day, a specific weight loss goal, and to focus my attention on my skincare routine.  My financial goals are to limit and keep better track of my spending, and my career resolutions include finishing my professional website, finding a new (or second) day job, and putting definitive plans in motion to move.  My blogging resolutions are to continue to expand my readership, improve my photography and establish sponsorship with brands.  I also wanted to make sure to include some other resolutions that are focused on my well-being, like getting a car of my own, seeing friends more often, getting a massage, reading more, and making an effort to keep a clean and organized personal space for myself.


There are times when coming up with resolutions makes me focus too much on what I didn't achieve during the previous year.  Because I don't want to discount all of the good things that happened in 2014, I made a little list of what I achieved from my other goal chart.  These accomplishments included getting my driver's license, being cast in some new and exciting projects, surpassing my blog readership goals, and taking some much-needed time to focus on myself.

But my last (and favorite) resolution is to keep dressing in ways that make me happy!  It was hard to pick just one outfit per month from 2014, but here are my favorite 12 outfits from the past year -- all of which brought me a lot of joy:

2014 outfits

January  //  February  //  March  //  April  //  May  //  June
July  //  August  //  September  //  October  //  November  //  December 

Thank you all for spending 2014 with me (and sticking with me through these past 12 months)! Although it's been a bit of a tough year, it's been a very valuable one, too.  I'm eager to see what the next 12 months will bring.

So tell me: if you make resolutions, what are some of your goals for 2015?

Have a great start to your year!
xox Sammi

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Springtime Round-up

Happy Saturday and Happy Summer!  I've gotten into the habit of doing seasonal round-ups of my favorite ensembles, so here are my favorite outfits from this spring:




I think my collection of outfits from May is my favorite out of the three, but I like being able to look back on everything and remember ensembles that I particularly liked!  Which post was your favorite?

I actually have some time off this weekend (normally, I work on Saturdays), which is great, because I have a lot to get done around here.  FYI, my blog is going to be set to private late Sunday night to do some fun revamping... I'm excited!  I hope you all like what I have planned as much as I do!  :)  Be sure to check back on Monday morning for some fun new things!

Have a wonderful weekend!
xox Sammi

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


#iamunique unique vintage

By now, a lot of you are probably familiar with Unique Vintage's #iamunique campaign.  I've been a big fan of Unique Vintage for a few years now, and I'm 100% behind any company that takes such measures to make their customers happy and to create such a celebratory, inclusive environment for them.  Unique Vintage recently reached out to me to become an ambassador for this campaign and write a little bit about what makes me unique.  I'm certainly not what one would call "conventional."  I'm a highly-sensitive Jewish only child with '80s rockstar parents and a flair for the dramatic.  I'm a musical-theatre-loving grammar nerd who never stopped playing dress-up.  I'm a natural introvert who has chosen to pursue a career in a creative field known for its competitive nature.  My fashion sense is a mishmosh of eras, cultures and styles.  And though it can be a struggle, I am learning how to love who I am a little bit more every day.

vintage cherry hat

I was never considered to be a beauty.  My weight is forever fluctuating.  My face is very round and riddled with acne scars.  I am too tall, too curvy, too ethnically-ambiguous for some.  I've been rejected both personally and professionally for how I look.  Having to think of yourself as a "type" can really mess with your head.  I distinctly remember an acting class in college in which we did an exercise centered around type.  (For those not familiar with the term, this refers to the kind of roles an actor can typically play; for example, the broad categories include leading men/ladies and character roles, but there are many subcategories).  We had to go around in a circle and state the adjectives that came to mind for each person in the class.  Out of several girls in the class, I was the only one who didn't receive any positive comments in relation to her looks.  The other girls heard words like "beautiful," "sexy," and "pretty."  I, on the other hand, got comments like "intelligent," "maternal," and "nurturing."  At the time, I was devastated.  I was glad to be thought of as smart and comforting, but those were things I already knew to be true.  I desperately wanted to be referred to as "gorgeous" and "cute" like everyone else -- mostly because I didn't believe those things about myself.  I was always cast as caring mothers and kooky best friends.  I had an agent for a short time who wanted to send me out only for roles that contained the word "overweight" in the character descriptions.  I had a voice teacher who referred to me as "a big girl" in almost every lesson.  My confidence was understandably at an all-time low, and I would avoid going to auditions because I believed they would never cast someone my size.  I ended up losing a considerable amount of weight (though I've gained some back), and I grew into my looks.  I've since played roles outside those strict confines and have learned so much about myself and what I'm capable of.  I fell in love with someone who finally made me believe I was beautiful.  I had my heart broken and realized that I couldn't rely on someone else to create and maintain my self-esteem.  I've made a lot of mistakes along the way, but I've figured out what brings me joy and what makes me feel good about myself.  And I understand now that all of those things I used to see as flaws -- my weight, my body, my facial features, my skin, my height -- are what make me special.  I don't look like everyone else.  That's something that I used to hate in high school and college, when all I wanted was to be accepted and loved.  But I've since come to the conclusion that those feelings of acceptance and love have to come from within.  I'm still figuring out how to love myself unconditionally, and of course, I have days where I don't like what I see in the mirror.  But most of the time, I love what I am.  I am different.  I am feminine.  I am pretty.  I am exotic.  I am talented, smart, sensitive and silly.  And #iamunique.

unique actress

One might assume that starting a style blog -- which involves publishing hundreds photographs of yourself to the internet at large and opening yourself up to constant scrutiny -- would be a recipe for disaster for someone with ever-faltering self-esteem.  When you have any kind of internet presence, there will inevitably be people who don't like you or the way you look.  If you are unique, there will be people who post mean things about you.  If you dare to be different and think outside the box, there are going to be those who will attempt to squash your enthusiasm and individuality.  And I've certainly run into that.  But I've actually gained an incredible amount of confidence from my blogging ventures.  I feel constantly inspired and creatively-fulfilled.  Although I have often struggled with my weight, I have learned to like how my body looks in my outfits and I dress in a way that brings me joy.  I've received an incredible amount of support and encouragement from people I've never even met.  I've come to appreciate traits about myself that I always took for granted, and I've learned the value of attributes that I had previously thought of as weaknesses (like my high level of sensitivity).  In many ways, I've found myself through fashion.  Being able to celebrate my unique look, personality and sense of style through my blog has been such a fantastic and unexpected gift.  It's ironic that something that's viewed as entirely superficial is the very thing that's given me a much deeper appreciation of who I am at my core.  I'm far from perfect and always will be, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't love who I am and where I am at this moment.

novelty purse

I also love the fact that my style doesn't fall into one definable category, because I often feel like a walking contradiction.  In theatre school, one of the most valuable lessons I learned was to keep what works for me and throw out what doesn't, and I think I've incorporated the same approach into my personal aesthetic.  A friend of mine once asked how I would define my fashion sense, and I wasn't sure how to answer him.  It's a big mix of retro-vintage-girly-whimsical-kitsch with some ethereal-cartoon-street-fashion-costume-shop thrown in.  I don't like the idea of feeling boxed in when it comes to a lot of things, and that's especially true when it comes to what I wear.  I have certain silhouettes I gravitate towards because they emphasize what I like about my body, and I have certain colors I love because they look good on me.  But as far as a certain style?  I guess I just like what I like!  Who says I can't wear a dress and petticoat one day and a flannel button-down and sneakers the next?  I don't think I should have to change what I'm drawn to just because it doesn't exactly fit into one restrictive definition of how to dress.  And so my closet is a hodgepodge of everything from pinup to punk to period film.  I love that I have so many different types of pieces because it allows me to feel like I'm playing dress-up every day!  I suppose I never grew out of my love for playing pretend, which explains both my wardrobe and my chosen profession.  I keep an eye out for pieces that are as special as I am, and when I'm wearing something I love, I know that it shines through in how I carry myself.  I know my sense of style isn't for everyone, and that's okay -- but it suits me just fine, and it's truly one of my favorite things about myself.

retro blogger

Ultimately, I know that I am not defined by my physical appearance.  My look is absolutely a part of who I am, but it's assuredly not all that matters to me or anyone else -- nor is it the only thing that makes me unique.  Maybe the reason no one said I was beautiful in that acting class wasn't because I was somehow wholly unattractive (like I thought at the time), but was in fact because I am more than that.  I may never be cast as the stunning ingenue or the gorgeous sexpot, but that doesn't negate the fact that I am beautiful and desirable in my own unique way -- a way that extends beyond the physical.  Just like my style may not be everyone's cup of tea, I know that my look and personality might not attract everyone.  But now I know that the only thing that really matters is that I love them.  I'm learning to love all the wonderful ways in which #iamunique, and I hope the same for all of you.  <3

blogger balloons

Have a wonderful Wednesday!
xox Sammi

Monday, June 6, 2016

Lucky LBD


I've never liked wearing my hair up. With my round face and lingering insecurities, I tend to cling to my long hair and intertwine it with my femininity and level of attractiveness, even though I know it's all in my head (or rather, on it). But in my constant quest to get out of my comfort zone in the name of personal growth, I decided to try something a little different for these photos and try a polished-yet-lazy-slash-dirty-hair-'do – which I'd never normally show here on my blog out of sheer vanity. I don't usually get the best reactions from people when I wear my hair this way either (which isn't an attempt to fish for compliments, I promise), which made it even more surprising when I discovered, while editing these photos, that I was really happy with how they turned out. It just goes to show that you should always challenge yourself to try something new, even when (or especially when!) it scares you a little bit; a new hairstyle might not be as big of a risk as a career change or a new relationship, but you'll never know until you try – and in the end, it's only temporary.

le bomb shop
heart belt
bandana rockabilly

I think it helps that this Luck Be A Lady dress from Le Bomb Shop has a pretty sexy silhouette, so it'd look great with almost any hairstyle. I'm kind of obsessed with off-the-shoulder pieces as of late (though finding the right bra to wear with them can be a trial), and this dress provides a lot of stretch and actually feels pretty casual, even though it'd be easy to dress it up for a more formal occasion. I wish it were a little more forgiving around the arms, but that's not a detail that bothered me all that much. I feel awesome in this dress (even with my hair up!), and I think it'll be my go-to LBD for summer nights out!

little black dress
off-the-shoulder dress
black retro dress
Outfit Details
Luck Be A Lady Dress in Noir: c/o Le Bomb Shop
Bandana: similar  ||  Belt: eBay

bardot black dress

Can you relate – is there something about your appearance you use as a security blanket? And do you like to push yourself to get beyond it? I'm making it a goal to keep getting outside of my comfort zone this summer!

Have a great start to your week!

Friday, January 8, 2016

Friday Favorites #117

It's been a minute since I had a Friday Favorites post! Here's some of what I've been lovin' on lately:

I know January's just started, but I have to admit that I'm already thinking ahead to Valentine's Day. Aren't these origami roses gorgeous? What a fantastic alternative to real flowers – they'll last forever!

the soubrette brunette: friday favorites #117

I also really love this flower petal confetti – it's a much more romantic option:
the soubrette brunette: friday favorites #117

This little blush hat is so darling.
the soubrette brunette: friday favorites #117

This sloth dress is an adorable Valentine's Day option!
the soubrette brunette: friday favorites #117

I want everything Smeg makes, but especially these toasters:
the soubrette brunette: friday favorites #117

These bow ties are SO much fun!
the soubrette brunette: friday favorites #117
farfalle    ||    waffle

...As are these amazing purses:
the soubrette brunette: friday favorites #117
pancakes    ||    funfetti cake

I need this skirt in my life.
modcloth skirt

I've finally found my 2016 planner (yes, I still use one!):
kate spade planner

Novelty bag round-up!
novelty purse

a   ||   b   ||   c   ||   d   ||   e   ||   f   ||   g

This Aristocat print from Miss Patina is so sweet:
miss patina

And this kite dress is superb!
kite dress

scalloped shelves

My favorite fragrance is no longer available (sob), so I've been eyeing this one... I really like unconventional scents, and this might fit the bill.
library of fragrance
This skirt is nothing short of amazing and I ordered it immediately. Shawna does custom orders (mine will be in black) and she has some awesome designs. Check out her shop here!

shawna lay designs

Gingham may not be seasonally appropriate, but that doesn't stop me from wanting this dress:
modcloth gingham dress

I also adore this kissing booth bag:
betsey johnson kissing booth purse
And finally, Simpsons kitchen is incredible!
the soubrette brunette: friday favorites #117

Have a great weekend!

This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase after clicking on one of these links, I may receive a small commission, which helps to run my blog. I link only to items and brands I absolutely love. Thank you for supporting The Soubrette Brunette!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017


voodoo vixen allie dress

Things around here are finally starting to bud and bloom, so I thought it was the perfect time to wear this gorgeous floral print dress from Voodoo Vixen. Before I get into the details on this dress, I wanted to share something that happened when I took these photos. I have a feeling it's not a unique story, especially for other bloggers, but it's been bugging me ever since.

voodoo vixen floral dress

Although I take a lot of photos of myself, I prefer to do so in a quiet area without many people around. I hate taking photos in public places, so if I have to do it, I'll try to go during a not-so-popular time. These flower murals (which I've wanted to use as a backdrop for a long time) are painted on the side of a beloved Rochester shop. I decided to go in the early morning, hours before they opened. No one was around, but it's not a secluded area by any means, so I thought it'd be fine.

floral pinup dress
floral print dress
floral vintage dress

Of course, as I'm setting up to take photos, a squirrelly looking guy in his 40s comes into the parking lot and starts walking towards me. He's got his earbuds in and is singing to himself. He gets closer, looking at me. I'm not exactly worried  – more like annoyed – but then he pulls out his phone to take a picture of me. This is while I'm busying myself with settings on my camera, mind you, not while I'm posing in front of it. I can't think of anything good to say (I think I said something eloquent like, "uh, I don't need you taking pictures of me, thanks"), and at this point, I'm wary of saying anything too abrasive anyway because I'm alone and relatively defenseless. After a good minute or two, he slowly walks across the parking lot, still looking at me. Then, he goes over to a car and starts talking to the driver. I'm hopeful that he's leaving, but then he comes back and continues to watch me. Then, the car comes into the parking lot, and the driver gets out. The two of them start talking – loudly, almost suspiciously so. I hear the squirrelly guy tell his friend about his encounter with me, mocking me with my own words and laughing. I'm on my guard, but don't want to pack everything up and get in the car; I have a right to be there and I don't feel like I'm in extreme danger. After what seems like an eternity, the pair finally drive away. I feel like I can breathe again and I finish taking my photos in peace.

parkleigh mural rochester ny

The thing is, nothing bad happened, really. I wasn't physically assaulted. I wasn't even catcalled. I'm not trying to make something out of nothing. But this is precisely the kind of bullshit women have to deal with on a daily basis. And I resent the fact I apparently need to bring along my boyfriend or another person just to make sure that nobody invades my personal space and ruins my morning. I realize #notallmen are like this (ugh), but it's way too common and represents a huge problem that many people fail to recognize. So please: if you are in a position to speak up about this sort of behavior when you see it, do it. No one should have to feel unsafe just because she's a woman going about her routine.

lilac mural

All that being said... this dress is everything. The print isn't a typical spring floral, which makes it a bit more versatile for year-round wear. In all honesty, I think this is my absolute favorite Voodoo Vixen dress I've ever owned. The fit is amazing (and it has pockets, yay!), and I love the silhouette. Plus, the print makes me realize how much I feel like I'm blossoming along with the flowers. Last year at this time, I was so overwhelmed with figuring out what I was going to do with my life. And now, I have a creatively fulfilling job at which I excel, I'm starting to take control of my health, and I'm in a relationship with someone I really care about. It may not always be easy and I may not handle everything with poise, but I'm so excited about what this spring will be and I feel so proud about how far I've come.

flower mural
Outfit Details
Allie Dark Floral Dress: c/o Voodoo Vixen
Shoes: similar  ||  Necklace: similar
Belt: from another dress

allie floral dress voodoo vixen

In addition to Voodoo Vixen's new spring/summer line (which is just beautiful), they're having an Easter sale on some of their earlier pieces. So if there's something you've had your eye on, be sure to grab it quick like a bunny!