Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Daffa down dilly

Steady Clothing yellow dress
daisy ring
Steady Clothing dress

So, this dress!  I'd been eyeing it for a long time (especially after seeing it on Kristina), and I finally took the leap and ordered it when Sourpuss Clothing was offering a 20% off coupon code.  Unfortunately, I didn't realize just how small the sizing on this dress runs!  For reference, I normally wear a medium or large in dresses (usually a medium if the fabric contains stretch, but a large if not), and since I read that this dress ran small, I ordered the large.  But when I received the dress, the size large fit like a very tight medium!  I could barely zip it up (even without a bra!) and it was so uncomfortable that I immediately regretted having removed the tags.  I decided to order the XL (which really bothered me, silly as it is, because I tend to blame myself instead of the sizing issue) -- luckily, it fits perfectly.

But now I have a problem: I still have the size L!  I can't send it back, since I removed the tags, and I tried to sell it on Instagram, but the person who was interested didn't pay her invoice.  I'll probably end up re-listing it or putting it up for a swap, but before I do, is there anyone who would be interested in buying it?  It's never been worn and is in perfect condition.  It definitely fits a true size medium (probably a size 6?).  If you're interested, send me an e-mail!

Yellow dress
Cute yellow dress
Sourpuss Clothing dress

I ended up wearing this dress to go to the Clothesline Festival with my mom.  It's an annual festival with all sorts of artists that sell their work.  I saw a really cute print I liked, but I'm really trying to cut down on my spending, so I decided not to get it.  All in all, it was fun, but a little overwhelming.  It was an absolutely gorgeous day, so there were tons of people there.  At least I got to enjoy the sunshine in my sunshine-y dress!  :)

House purse
Yellow dress
Steady Clothing sunshine dress
Outfit Details
Steady Clothing Dress: Sourpuss Clothing
Wooden house purse: eBay
Daisy ring: Mom's
White flats: DSW

Also, I just want to thank all of you who commented on my last post.  It's scary to put yourself out there in such a vulnerable way, and all of your kind and thoughtful notes truly warmed my heart.  I'm very grateful to be a part of such a supportive community here in the blogosphere.  I know there are people out there who are decidedly not supportive (given how much internet snark there is out there, it's a fact that's impossible to ignore), but I'm incredibly thankful that the comments I get -- and the readers I have -- are so considerate, eloquent and generally wonderful.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!
xox Sammi

Monday, September 8, 2014

Tough Topics: On heartbreak

I have often wondered: why is calling someone a heartbreaker a quasi-compliment?  Referring to someone that way is often expressed with reverence.  We hate the heartbreak, but we admire the heartbreaker.  Is it that we're in awe of those who have the ability to inflict that specific type of pain on someone else?  Maybe the title has some kind of implied strength.  But all it suggests to me is cowardice and a lack of honesty.  The reason I wanted to write more on my blog was to be more honest; this post is about as candid as I could possibly get in a public forum.  Read on if you're interested in something other than a fanciful outfit post this morning.

It's officially been a year since the person I considered to be the love of my life broke my heart.  I'd had my heart broken by other careless boys before, but those small pains paled in comparison to this.  This one hurt.  It still hurts -- much more than I would care to admit.  We talked about our future in terms of "when," not "if."  We spoke about marriage so often that he had vintage wedding ring websites bookmarked.  We devoted an entire road trip to figuring out the names of our hypothetical children.  So what do you do when you still haven't fully accepted that everything you envisioned for your future is just gone?

This is something that's always on my mind on some level, and it's also right on the surface for me -- so much so that it can make me cry at the drop of a hat.  I don't want to be accused of bad-mouthing him (though he may deserve it) or be ridiculed for holding on when I should let go.  I know that I absolutely should, and I beat myself up a lot for not being over it.  There's an old adage (or is it a quote from Sex and the City?) that says it takes half the time you were with someone to get over him.  If that's true, I guess I have another six months to go.  But I have a hard time putting an expiration date on grief at all.  Everyone mourns in his or her own way, on his or her own time table.  As much as I sometimes wish I could, I cannot simply make myself get over it and move on.  I'm an impatient person by nature, and even though I know that time heals all wounds, there is a part of me that wishes I could have moved on as quickly as he did.  But there is another part -- a much bigger part -- of me that realizes that I'd rather be deeply affected by our breakup than pretend our relationship never even existed.

I really didn't intend on writing about this.  I was hoping to not have to commemorate our breakup with a post like some weird, twisted anniversary.  But then I start to wonder why it's socially acceptable to openly mourn the death of a loved one, and yet we're all in such a hurry to get over the person who, at one time, meant more to us than any other.  For all intents and purposes, a breakup is a death, and this one has always felt especially so because of its complete and utter finality.  I feel haunted by the ghost of what our relationship once was, and of the person who -- very suddenly and without any subsequent closure -- removed himself from my life.  He moved on way too quickly with a girl who is my exact physical opposite in every way.  (I don't think it can be considered a rebound when they're still together.)  I'm not proud of the jealous and unattractive version of myself that comes out when I think about her or when I've seen her photos.  Sometimes I feel as if the only way I can gain some semblance of control is to snark on her to anyone who will listen.  And I hate that.  It's not her fault that he hurt me, but I have to admit (and please don't judge me too harshly here) that it makes me feel better to hear superficial, positive things about myself, and negative ones about her.  My ex did such a number on my self-esteem that it's hard not to want to hear that I'm prettier than her or am otherwise superior to her.  And it's hard to reconcile the fact that my ex always made me feel so attractive during our relationship with the fact that he did a complete 180, told his friends that I got fat, and immediately started dating a girl that he would have formerly found physically repugnant.  According to a mutual friend, the boy that I knew and loved is basically gone; he's apparently a totally different person now.  It makes me wonder if I ever knew him to begin with (or, that old chestnut, whether we can really know anyone), or if he really knows himself.  And if everything I thought we had was built on a lie.  It's a painful idea to have to entertain.

That same friend told me that it was almost as if my ex committed a crime and walked away scot-free, while I'm stuck doing the time.  I do feel as if I were framed sometimes.  I was blamed for everything and he got to start a completely new life, without a second thought, without ever taking any responsibility, and without ever looking back.  And I'm still not sure how to pick up the pieces.  I know I am the only one who can decide to not be held prisoner by my circumstances, but that proves to be easier said than done.  I fully acknowledge the mistakes I made, and I am constantly working on ways I can improve myself.  But even with my faults, I still deserved an ending that was indicative of the special and loving relationship I always believed we had.  Or, barring that, I deserved an ending that was at least respectful.  I am fully aware that breakups are never pleasant.  They are rarely mutual, and in this situation, ours was always going to be painful.  But after three years, I deserved more than a cold-hearted phone call from 400 miles away.  I deserved better than to be blocked on social media and erased from memory.  I deserved some semblance of closure.  Ultimately, I guess it's up to me to create my own closure.  He essentially refused to provide that for me at the time, and I don't think I'll ever get it from him.  I can't let anything he does (or doesn't do) continue to affect my life.  And maybe that's one of the hardest things to come to terms with -- that our lives are no longer intertwined.  I'm still mourning the future with him that I'll never have.

I think heartbreak is one of the most awful conditions that we as human beings have to endure.  In my experience, it's far worse than physical injury.  I wouldn't wish it on anyone.  And if you're currently experiencing it, please know how sorry I am.  There's really nothing anything that anyone can say to take away the hurt.  You just have to surround yourself with as much love -- the unconditional kind -- as you can.  I still miss him every day.  Some nights, I still cry myself to sleep.  I dream of him often.  I wish I were in a place where I could get past it.  I'll get there at some point, but in the meantime, I am where I am.  I'm trying to live in the present, and I'm trying to not be so hard on myself for not being as over it as I "should" be.  I don't want to dwell, which is why I mostly focus on the positive on my blog.  I'm probably pretty skilled at faking it in real life (I'm guess that theatre degree comes in handy), but sometimes, it's more that I simply want to feel happy and therefore, I try really hard to find the joy.  And 9 times out of 10, I find it.  But once and a while, I just need to let myself feel the sadness, because it's there.  I can't deny the way I'm feeling, and I don't think I should have to.  I can't please everyone all the time.  My obligation at this point is to be honest with myself, and to make progress at my own pace.  Healing a broken heart takes a lot longer than a broken bone; it's not like you can slap a cast on it, and in this case, relying on a crutch is counterproductive.  All I can do is be kind to myself, be in tune with what I need more or less of, and take stock of all the good things in my life.  And cling to the hope that, despite (or perhaps because of) all that has happened, things will turn out for the best in the end.

Thank you for listening.
xox Sammi      

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Fairgrounds & Flowers: Bloggers at the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens

Hell Bunny carnival dress
Lily pad
Pink rose
Brooklyn Botanical Gardens

I've finally gotten around to posting photos from my New York trip!  I met up with Kristina and Midge on two separate days; we went to McCarren Park in Brooklyn for a picnic on Saturday, and then we headed to the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens on Sunday.  It was really nice to hang out with them and be in nature (especially in a city where green space is a precious commodity), and we had a lot of fun getting to know each other.  I didn't take any photos on Saturday, but have plenty from our botanical garden adventure!

Brooklyn Botanic Gardens
Botanical gardens
Photo credit: Midge
I was cursing myself for not bringing along a floral print dress for this trip.  As a group, we had initially talked about heading to Coney Island later that day, which is why I brought this carnival print dress with me.  However, it was collectively decided that it was simply too long a schlep, so we instead had a delicious dinner at a Mexican restaurant Kristina recommended.  I'm still really undecided about what I want to do, as far as whether or not I want to move back to the New York area, but it's comforting to know that if I do decide to move, I'll have some friends waiting for me.  And I'm sure I'll make it to Coney Island someday.  :)

Blue flowers
Blue hair
Hell Bunny dress
Photo credit: Midge
Even though nothing on my trip really went according to plan (i.e., we were a much smaller group than we'd anticipated, I got super-lost on my way to the park on Saturday, etc.), we still managed to have a great time together, and I'm glad that I decided to go.  Many thanks to Midge and Kristina for snapping pictures of me (and dealing with my ignorance when it comes to photography) -- and for being as lovely in real life as you are on the internet!  :)

Girl in garden
Outfit Details
Hell Bunny dress: Amazon
Flats: DSW
Sunglasses: old

Have a sensational Saturday!
xox Sammi

Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday Favorites #62

Happy Friday!  Even though this was a short week, I'm very relieved it's the weekend -- especially because I actually have a weekend off, which is very rare!  I have today, tomorrow AND Sunday off, so I'm definitely going to savor sleeping in, among other things!  Anyway, here are some of my favorite finds this week:

Even though it's still fairly humid here, I'm starting to get a little more excited over the prospect of cooler weather... especially when these gorgeous pastel coats from Hell Bunny exist!
I'm dying to go back to Disney World, and I know I'd need at least a couple of these adorable, retro Disney sweatshirts!  I'm obsessed with the Daisy Duck ones (and she was always my favorite)!
a  //  b  //  c

Speaking of Disney, I sort of get a kick out of this tank:
I love the flamingo embroidery on this Coco Fennell dress:

I wasn't super blown-away by the Forever 21 + Barbie collaboration that came out yesterday, but I do adore these Barbie lipsticks - the shades are really perfect.

I need this sweet donut sweater!
And how darling is this sweet pea necklace?
These three green dresses are all on my wish list for this season.  I love the green plaid dress for fall, and the one on the right would be stunning for the holidays!  Oh, and the one in the middle has little embroidered planets on it.  They're all so great!
a  //  b  //  c

I'm always a sucker for kitty merch, and this purse is no exception:

I think most people of my generation watched Little Rascals a lot... I, for one, was totally obsessed and I had a huuuuge crush on Alfalfa.  The cast reunited for the 20th anniversary of the movie for a fantastic & nostalgic photoshoot, and surprise!, Bug Hall (who played Alfalfa) is now incredibly attractive.  I was apparently a very prolific child.  See the full set here.
So swoon-worthy!
And finally... the most adorable otter in the world, eating at the kitchen table:

Have a great Friday!
xox Sammi

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Sky Blue Pink

Pinup Girl Clothing dress

If you're a regular follower of my blog, you know that my outfits are often thematic (and sometimes border on costume-y).  My ensembles are sometimes centered around a playful print or a kooky handbag, and then I build on those pieces to create a look that tickles my fancy.  There are times when I consciously and thoroughly plan an outfit around a specific item, and then there are other times where the pieces come together at the last second and make me ask myself, "why didn't I think of that before?!"  In either case, I love being able to be creative with what I wear, and I love drawing inspiration for my outfits from unexpected sources.  The surprising inspiration for today's outfit?  Furniture!

Bistro chairs
Image via Viesso
When the folks over at Viesso asked if I would be interested in doing a style collaboration, I was a little hesitant at first; I wasn't all that familiar with their company, and I wasn't sure if I'd be able to tie in their modern furniture to my own aesthetic (and have it make sense).  But after perusing their website, I stumbled upon their outdoor furniture -- specifically, their colorful bistro tables and chairs.  For some reason, I'm always drawn to these types of pieces.  I guess I just love the romantic café feel to them.  (I actually have a set of chairs and a table that are a little reminiscent of the ones on their site!)  The two items that really caught my eye were a hot pink round bistro table and a sky blue bistro chair.  This color combination seemed so girly, flirty and nostalgic.  Ever since I was little, my mom would point out specific summer sunsets that contained these colors, and would always describe them as "sky blue pink."  I think it was actually something that carried over from her own childhood.  But because summer is ending, I felt that using these pieces as an outfit inspiration would be a great way to bid (a reluctant) adieu to the season.  This color combo also immediately brought some of my favorite articles of clothing to mind:

Outfit inspiration
I knew their pink table would be a perfect match for this gorgeous Trashy Diva dress and pink flowered headband from Pinup Girl Clothing.  For the blue elements, I wanted to incorporate this darling purse (no longer available, sadly) and matching shoes by Kling, and the flowery pink and blue sunglasses from Topshop were just the icing on this summery cake.


But to recreate this outfit in real life, I had to get a little more creative.  I don't own any of these pieces, so I rummaged through my wardrobe to find items that would work.  The style and color of this coral dress from Pinup Girl Clothing are very similar to the Trashy Diva dress I chose, and although I could have gone with a flower crown, I opted instead for a light blue vintage pillbox -- not only for the style, but to bring in the color as well.  Unfortunately, I didn't have shoes to match, but I improvised with my off-white vintage Mary Janes (in retrospect, they remind me of clouds!).  I also brought in the floral elements with this bracelet; it's actually supposed to be used as a decoration for a hair bun, but I think it looks darling this way!  I don't think I would have necessarily put these pieces together on my own, so it's refreshing when a challenge like this allows you to look at things in a different light and wear them in new ways!

Pinup Girl Clothing dress
Rose bracelet
Blue pillbox
Pinup Girl peach dress
Outfit Details
Hat and shoes: vintage
Flower garland: River Island (similar)

Many thanks to Viesso for allowing me to explore a whole new avenue of outfit inspiration!  
I hope you have a great Thursday!
xox Sammi

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Green gingham

Green gingham dress

Oh summer, I'm not ready to say goodbye to you yet.  Gingham just seems like such a summery print to me, and this apple green gingham seems especially so.  Honestly, this dress fits a little strangely -- the boning on the sides can be really problematic, and the fabric on the bodice never lays the way I want it to.  But I have trouble getting rid of things, and in cases like this, the good (or at least, the potential) outweighs the bad.  So it's staying with me for now.

eShakti dress
Green gingham
Green dress

I had a bit of a headache to deal with this weekend when my bank notified me that there was suspicious activity on my account.  It turns out that someone got ahold of my debit card info (not my physical card, since I still had it) and was using it to go on a little shopping spree in Yonkers.  I have a feeling that whoever the person was, he/she got access to it at some point during my time in New York, which really irks me.  I paid cash for nearly everything, and used my card in only a couple of places (and not even at an ATM or to get a MetroCard!).  It's really troubling that it can happen anywhere.  Luckily, my bank was on top of it, and I was notified via text right after the person used it, and then someone from my bank called me to follow up on it.  I was really impressed, considering it was at 6PM on a Sunday night, and during a holiday weekend, no less (which I'm sure was part of the thief's thought process in choosing that time to use it).  I have to head to the bank this morning to finish straightening things out, but it seems like it won't be too bad of a process.  It's just disheartening that there are such dishonest people in the world.

Gingham dress
Outfit Details
Dress: eShakti
Belt: ASOS (similar)
Boater hat: River Island (similar)
Shoes: Urban Outfitters (similar)

I don't have much else to say today, but I hope you have a nice Tuesday!
xox Sammi

Monday, September 1, 2014

Blogger Interview: Sarah of The Petite Pixie

I cannot believe it's already September 1st.  I really can't.  This summer went by way too quickly!!  Luckily, I have an interview with an adorable blogger to help ease the transition into September.  Meet Sarah from The Petite Pixie!  She's cute as a button (and a fellow actress!), and I guarantee you will fall head over heels for her sweet sense of style.

Name:  Sarah A. Garcia

Age:  Freshly 20!

Where do you blog?  I blog over at The Petite Pixie!  It's a personal style blog I started a year ago in efforts to reinvent myself and find somewhere I can share my love of dressing up and be unapologetically me!  I also run Elle Fanning Style, a blog dedicated to finding and sharing pieces from actress Elle Fanning's wardrobe. 

What are you studying in school?  I am currently studying Acting at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco.

What's your dream job?  The goal is to become a movie and/or television star, but I would be just as happy making YouTube videos or being in community theatre for the rest of my life, as long as I'm acting!

How did you get into blogging?  Many years ago in high school, I read blogs constantly and thought about how much fun it would be to start one.  After some trial and error over the span of a few years, I finally found an identity that suits me and that got me excited for what the future of blogging might hold!

What are some other blogs that you love?  Oh gosh, too many!  The Soubrette Brunette (obviously!), Scathingly Brilliant (which was the first blog I discovered that made me want to start blogging), MermaidensA Beautiful MessBriar RosePaige JoannaThe Clothes Horse... just to name a few!

Your favorite musical artist:  I've worshiped Stevie Nicks since I was a kid, and that hasn't stopped to this day.

Your favorite musical:  I know it's super cliché, but Les Misérables was the most beautiful thing I've had the privilege to see on stage thus far.

Your favorite movie?  Once, but I haven't seen the musical version yet!  That may replace Les Mis soon.  [Sammi's note: Such a good choice!!!]

Which actress would play you in the movie version of your life?  Either Carey Mulligan or Emma Stone, as I've been compared to them quite often.

One character from a movie or TV series with whom you identify:  Lily from How I Met Your Mother.  We are literally the same person.

Do you have a celebrity crush?  Nate Ruess, the lead singer of Fun.!  My friends and even my boyfriend know him as "my husband," and the second time I saw him in concert, he smiled at me, so you know our love is real.

Photo credit: Lauren Crow
Your favorite guilty pleasure?  Lately I'm kind of a little too obsessed with "Say Yes to the Dress."

Favorite book (from childhood or now):  My favorite book for years has been Running with Scissors but I've probably forgotten most of it by now!  The most recent book that I've read that was good enough to be deemed one of my favorites is (another cliché) The Fault in Our Stars.

Drink of choice:  I'm so boring, but water.  It's a magical potion, I tell you!

Favorite food in the world?  Macaroni and cheese, hands down.  Any kind, anywhere.

What's your favorite season and why?  I absolutely love autumn.  I've never lived where the leaves change color or anything like that, but I love the feeling of the school year starting and the holidays fast-approaching and the cool air.  It gives me the warm fuzzies inside!

How would you describe your personal style?  On most days, very feminine and girly, with influence from the 1950s and 1960s, but sometimes I like to experiment with different styles as well.

What's been your favorite post from your blog so far?  My favorite post would have to be Pixie Day!  Not only does it match the current layout of my blog (I am sort of a matching freak!), but it was so fun to be a pixie for a day.  That was kind of the true start to the blog, as well.

Do you have a style icon?  If so, who?  Oh, I have so many!  The first two that come to mind are Zooey Deschanel and Elle Fanning, even though she's so much younger than I!  Those two definitely inspired and shaped me to have the personal style I do today.

If you could live during any other time period, what would it be?  Entirely from a style point of view, the 1950s.  I love the 50's housewife look, but I'm not a fan of the whole not-having-rights part of it!

Your favorite place to shop or favorite clothing brand:  I'm a sucker for a good deal, so thrift stores and cheaper brands like Forever 21 and H&M, but when my pockets are feeling a bit fuller, I venture to American Apparel and Topshop.

Go-to accessory?  The pink pearl-banded watch that my boyfriend made me!  It's so perfect in every single way.

What's the most beloved article of clothing you own?  My grandmother's leather and fur coat from the 1960s that she gave me!  I haven't worn it yet because I cherish it so much!

If you could wear only one outfit every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?  It would have to be an A-line dress, belted at the waist, with a cardigan and a pair of comfortable flats.  It is really fit for any occasion and is still incredibly "me!"

Thanks so much to Sarah for being my September interview subject!  Don't forget to swing over to her blog and follow her!  She's such a doll, isn't she??  Have a wonderful first day of the month!

xox Sammi