Wednesday, December 29, 2021

A New Year's Eve Survival Guide for Introverts and Highly Sensitive People

HSP and introvert new year's eve survival guide
dress: c/o Unique Vintage

Let's face it: being an introvert and a highly sensitive person (HSP) isn't always easy.

If you identify with being a highly sensitive person or being introverted, you'll know that certain social situations can sometimes feel overwhelming. We can handle them if we've learned how to adapt (thanks to our more extroverted friends and available introvert and highly sensitive person coping strategies). But whether we actually want to partake in them is often a different story.

For a long time, I thought it meant I was abnormal when I felt drained after attending a social gathering or dreaded the thought of going to a party or crowded bar. But I eventually learned that the "introvert hangover" is incredibly common – and that there are highly sensitive person coping strategies that could also help me understand my needs a bit better. 

This is especially important during this time of year, as HSPs, introverts and holidays may not always mix well. Introverts and HSPs alike may feel like they're being pushed past their limits when they don't have enough downtime and feel pressured to be "on" for too long. My holiday celebrations tend to be pretty low-key, but in retrospect, I wish that I would have had an introvert's guide to the holidays to consult in the past! 

My New Year's Eve festivities are also pretty quiet these days. I was never big on going out, but I'm now even more inclined to stay in on the last night of the year. Not every HSP or introvert feels the same way, however. No matter what your plans are, you deserve to celebrate in a way that helps you feel your best. If you're looking for a more subdued NYE – even if you don't have a lot of HSP or introvert traits – read on.

In the interest of HSP and introvert holiday survival, I've put together a little guide for a better New Year's Eve. Here are just a few tips I'd recommend that introverts and HSPs (or literally anyone!) keep in mind as they plan for how they'll ring in 2022.

highly sensitive people introvert new years eve

Keep It Small and Short

Speaking from experience, the perfect HSP or introvert New Years Eve celebration is one that doesn't last all night. A lot of us tend to lose steam after a few hours, especially during large gatherings that require us to socialize with a lot of people. Instead of sending out an invitation that specifies "5 PM – ?," plan to attend for only a few hours at most. This might mean getting home before midnight – and that may actually be a good thing.

It's not just the length of time that matters; it's also about who's in attendance. Personally, I tend to fare better in a small group of people I already know. If you identify with being a highly sensitive person or introvert, try to keep your guest list on the smaller side. With a smaller group, you'll probably feel more at-ease and won't have to spend your energy reserves meeting a bunch of unfamiliar folks. 

At a time when COVID-19 cases are on the rise, even among the vaccinated, this can give you the perfect excuse to host or attend the perfect introvert New Years Eve. A virtual New Years Eve party will provide you with a little bit of social interaction without ever having to leave your house! And since most people won't want to spend several hours on a Zoom call, you won't have to deal with an introvert hangover on January 1st. 

Plan to Stay In

Maybe this goes without saying, but any introvert or highly sensitive person survival guide will probably include an option for staying home during the holidays. This doesn't mean you shouldn't challenge yourself to go out and socialize (during non-pandemic times, at least). But it does mean you'll want to figure out how you like to celebrate and honor that when making plans.

Whether you have a virtual New Years Eve on a video chat with friends or you decide to enjoy a night in with your BFF or partner, staying home can be the best way to celebrate this occasion. You can dress up or down, you'll have access to your own kitchen and bathroom, and you can turn in whenever you please. 

Having access to these kinds of creature comforts can take the pressure off and allow you to make your own traditions. You don't have to ring in the new year at a bar or in a crowded apartment. Instead, you can play board games, watch a movie marathon, order takeout, or pamper yourself – whatever your heart desires. I'd be willing to bet that you'll go to bed (and wake up) a whole lot happier if you plan to spend at least a portion of the evening decompressing at home.

Get Enough Sleep

HSPs, in particular, tend to feel the negative effects of inadequate sleep. I know that I'm more likely to develop a migraine if I haven't had enough shut-eye. And since no one wants to start the new year off with a headache, I'd prioritize your sleep leading up to your celebrations.

The holidays can often wreak havoc on your sleep schedule. If you know you tend to get grouchy or feel ill when you're sleep-deprived, don't sacrifice your forty winks for the promise of merriment. Being a highly sensitive person sometimes means prioritizing your body's needs. Sometimes, that means cutting things short for the sake of a good night's sleep.

Try to stick to a bedtime routine during the holidays or even take a nap before your New Year's Eve plans. And don't attempt to offset your sleepiness with coffee or soda! HSPs can also be more sensitive to caffeine, which means you may not be able to rely on the methods that others do to feel more awake. The best thing you can do is honor your regular schedule as best you can.

hsp introvert holiday survival guide

Eat and Hydrate Properly

If you're anything like me, you become hangry to the nth degree if you aren't careful. HSPs often feel the effects of hunger or low blood sugar more than other people, which means you really shouldn't go for too long without eating.

When planning for your New Year's Eve festivities, take breaks to have meals and snacks. Be sure to nosh on some protein! Trying to do too much on an empty stomach may make you feel overwhelmed or lightheaded, which definitely isn't ideal if you're out of the house and in a social situation. 

Take care to hydrate, as well. Whether or not you plan to drink alcohol, you'll feel a lot better if you don't become dehydrated. Stave off a possible headache and feel your best by drinking lots of H2O. 

Take a Time Out

Introverts and HSPs can often become drained or overstimulated in noisy social environments. You don't necessarily need to avoid these situations entirely, as it's often better to learn the introvert and highly sensitive person coping strategies that will allow you to navigate the world as it is. 

Instead, plan to take some breaks during the evening so you can reset. This might include grabbing a buddy to go outside for a bit of fresh air or asking your host if there's a quiet bedroom where you can retreat for five or 10 minutes. If you start to feel like everything's a bit too much, give yourself permission to take a few moments for yourself. Take some relaxing breaths, have some water and a snack, and dim the lights. Small time-outs like these can help you recharge a little bit during a gathering.

Bring or Wear Comfortable Shoes

Whether you're looking for introvert New Years Eve tips or you simply want to have a better time when you're celebrating, I'd recommend thinking ahead to the tired version of yourself. You might feel great in your high-heeled boots when you're heading out, but you're going to be pretty miserable by the end of the night. 

To get more longevity out of your social reserves, you'll want your body to feel its best. That means dressing for comfort. You don't have to opt for ugly footwear, but I guarantee you'll be overjoyed that you brought comfy shoes in your purse to change into later on in the evening. Bring some bandaids, too. You'll thank me later.

hps introvert new years eve

Consider Staying Sober

I know this one might be a bit controversial – and this isn't going to apply to every introvert or HSP across the board. As a teetotaler, I'm also biased in this area. But if you've got highly sensitive person traits or you tend to be more introverted, it might be worth examining your relationship with alcohol on New Year's Eve (or during any occasion, for that matter).

Research suggests that some HSPs are more sensitive to the effects of alcohol than the average person. I've definitely found this to be true for myself, which is just one reason why I don't drink. Anecdotally, many HSPs say that they rely on alcohol to temper the overstimulation we sometimes experience; because we're constantly taking in so much of what's around us, booze can sometimes be used to dull that sensation and make things feel a little more manageable.

Understandably, alcohol and other addictive substances can present problems for some HSPs. Introverts may also lean on alcohol to help them come out of their shell. Obviously, this can be problematic in some situations.

If you feel pressured to drink alcohol on holidays to fit in or calm your anxieties, you're not alone. But if you find that drinking has negative effects on your mood or your life, you may want to look for some highly sensitive person coping strategies that don't involve imbibing on NYE. 

Looking for some alternatives to boozy beverages? Check out my New Year's Eve mocktails post from last year for inspiration.

There's nothing inherently wrong with having a glass of champagne or having a couple of drinks on NYE, even if you've got HSP or introvert traits. But if you've partied too hard in the past and you'd like to wake up feeling good, remember that you can still have a great time while sober.

Set Boundaries and Have an Escape Plan

Highly sensitive people are often confused with empaths. It's possible to be both, but these terms are actually mutually exclusive. In turn, empaths can sometimes have poor boundaries with other people. As someone who is highly sensitive and a people pleaser, I'll tell you that I've often sacrificed my own well-being for the sake of others' good time.

Being an introvert and HSP in her thirties, I've now learned that these tendencies can be really damaging for me. It's still not easy for me to set boundaries, but it's become a necessary part of life. Note that setting boundaries doesn't mean trying to dictate others' behavior; it simply outlines what you're willing to accept or tolerate (and what you're not). You don't even have to tell anyone else what your boundaries are. But regardless, you need to be prepared to follow through.

For example, say that you know you don't want to be around other people who are engaging in certain behaviors on New Year's Eve. You can't control the decisions that others make, but you can make your own choice about the kinds of situations you're willing to be in. You might set a boundary that you won't stay at a party where someone's choices make you uncomfortable or you won't ride in a car with someone who's been drinking. You'll have to follow through on this boundary if that does happen – which means having a plan of action. 

In this scenario, you might strike a deal with your friend or partner that you'll leave at a certain time or if you feel the situation is no longer healthy for you. You might also ask a friend to call them to pick you up or download the Uber app and plan to use it if necessary. 

Even if you don't anticipate needing to follow through with a strict boundary during your New Year's Eve celebrations, you may still want to have a "plan of escape" if you simply feel too exhausted or overwhelmed at any point. Again, setting a time limit on the festivities or even establishing a signal with a friend can ensure you have a great time without pushing yourself too hard and regretting it later.

new years eve survival guide introverts highly sensitive

Refer to These Tips For HSP and Introvert Holiday Survival 

Being a highly sensitive person or introvert doesn't mean you're drastically different from other people. It also doesn't mean there's something wrong with you or that you need to "get over" these traits! Introversion and high sensitivity can be incredible assets. But if you get stressed out in highly social situations or you want to avoid feeling drained at the end of the night, these tips can often help. 

Again, this doesn't mean you shouldn't ever push yourself to go out. (Although right now, a virtual New Years Eve party would be a lot safer!) You don't always have to stay in, even if your HSP and introvert traits are strong. But no matter where you celebrate, looking out for your unique physical and emotional needs can be one of the best ways to enjoy yourself. 

If you identify as an HSP or introvert, what are some of your favorite survival tips? Do you feel like this introvert and highly sensitive person survival guide applies to you? Let me know in the comments!

Monday, December 13, 2021

The Soubrette Brunette's Holiday Gift Guide 2021


holiday gift guides

For the last few years, I've put together some fun gift guides for the holiday season. (In case you missed them in the past, check out my HSP and introvert gift guide, my 2019 gift guide, and my 2020 gift guide for ideas!)

blogger gift guide

While these posts take a lot of time and effort to create, I really enjoy doing them... so without further ado, enjoy my holiday gift guide 2021 edition! I try not to repeat themes from year to year, so I've been on the hunt for totally new present inspiration. Take a look at my 2021 gift guides below and get shopping! Given postal delays and supply chain issues, you won't want to wait until the last minute.

Please note that this post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase after clicking on one of these links, I may receive a small commission (at no cost to you!) that helps to run my blog. Thank you for supporting The Soubrette Brunette!

Pop Culture Gift Guide

Do you have a pal who won't watch anything but old episodes of The Office or can't get enough of RuPaul's Drag Race? Then these pop culture gifts are a great place to start. The best gifts for pop culture fans are ones that will amuse – so these are meant to put a smile on the recipient's face.

Check out this pop culture gift guide below and click on the corresponding links to shop.

pop culture gift guide

Even More Astrology Gift Ideas

I included some astrology gifts in my post from 2019, but I thought it was time to include another astrology gift guide for 2021. These gifts for astrology lovers of all kinds will dazzle your most spiritually inclined friends or serve as a great introduction to the Zodiac.

When you need good astrology gift ideas, get inspired from my selections below.

astrology gift guide

Gifts for True Crime Fans

If you're anything like me, you're obsessed with cults and infamous unsolved cases. These gifts for true crime lovers will scratch that itch in a harmless way. 

For friends who love mysteries, who can't get enough of Dateline and Forensic Files, or who are obsessed with anti-MLM content on YouTube, add these true crime gifts to your list.

gifts for true crime fans

a. The Murder on the Links candle
b. "your MLM is not a small business" sweatshirt
c.  at-home murder mystery night game
d.  murder most puzzling
e.  Cultish
f.  I'll Be Gone in the Dark
g.  "the husband did it" mug

Best Gifts for Gardeners and Plant Parents

It's tough to find the right gardening gifts, especially in the off-season. I've compiled this selection of gifts for plant parents and gardeners so it's simple to find something to fit their green thumbs. 

My gardener gift guide is well-suited for newcomers and seasoned horticulturists alike. Take a look at these gardening gifts and check something off your growing present-buying list.

gifts for gardeners

Stress Relief Gift Ideas

The need for stress relief gift ideas was high in 2020 – and 2021 wasn't much better for many folks. If you have a loved one who's anxious, depressed, or burned out at work, you'll definitely want to compile some good gifts for stress relief.

While these don't have to specifically remain Christmas gift ideas for stress relief, these items can provide a welcome respite from the world and help your loved one relax during this holiday season.

gifts for stress relief

Fun Gifts Under $50

Sticking to a budget for a Secret Santa or other gift exchange? If so, take a look at what I consider to be the best gifts under $50. (Some of them are much less expensive!) 

Finding gifts under $50 doesn't mean you have to sacrifice on quality or value. These gift ideas under $50 are pretty practical and fun. Plus, these Christmas gifts under $50 are probably presents that your recipient wouldn't buy for themselves – even if they can afford to. Check out these gift ideas under $50 if you want to keep costs low and delight high.

gifts under $50

Gift Guide For New Homeowners and New Renters

I know firsthand how overwhelming moving and buying a home can be. While it's an exciting time, it's a lot to handle. I wanted to share some gift ideas for new homeowners, as well as some gifts for renters, that are totally useful without being boring.

So what are the best gifts for new homeowners? It's hard to say, since many people have the basics when they buy a house. But it might be time for an upgrade – or you may want to treat them to a fancy gadget they don't yet have.

I tried not to be too clichéd with these Christmas gifts for new homeowners and gifts for new renters. You won't find a blender or a saucepan on this list, but there's a good mix of kitchen additions and general decor that your loved one will appreciate. Before you ask them directly what they need, consult this gift guide for new homeowners.

gift guide for new homeowners

Who's the hardest to shop for on your list? I hope my gift ideas will point you in the right direction! 

Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

HOLIDAY GIVEAWAY: Let's Get This Gingerbread

holiday giveaway: let's get this gingerbread

The holiday season is upon us, so I thought it would be fun to celebrate with a festive little giveaway! Keep reading to find out how you can win this sweet gingerbread bundle for yours-elf. :)

gingerbread giveaway

  • Dash gingerbread man mini waffle maker
  • adorable gingerbread mug
  • mini gingerbread house kit
  • assortment of holiday treats

christmas holiday giveaway

This prize package would be perfect for Christmas morning! Here's how to make sure you're eligible to win.

This giveaway is open worldwide and will run from now until 11:59 PM (EST) on Saturday, December 11, 2021. Enter the giveaway through the Rafflecopter widget below. Be sure to complete all mandatory entries (yes, I will be checking!). One (1) winner will be chosen at random through the widget and contacted via email to claim their prizes, so be sure to include a valid email address in your blog post comment! I will never contact giveaway winners via direct message on social media or through any other account. The winner must respond to my email within 48 hours of being contacted or a new winner will be chosen. Once the winner is confirmed, their name will be displayed via the widget. This giveaway is not sponsored by any other brand or organization (including Target, Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok). 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks for entering and best of luck, my (rein)dears!

Friday, November 26, 2021

Black Friday Favorites 2021

The Black Friday sales are upon us! Although I'm mostly focused on buying gifts for others this year, there are a few little things I wouldn't mind getting for myself. Here are just a handful of things I've got my eye on, as well as a bunch of discount codes compiled for you to use!

Please note that this post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase after clicking on one of these links, I may receive a small commission (at no cost to you!) that helps to run my blog. Thank you for supporting The Soubrette Brunette!

black friday sales 2021

As always, I'll try to add new promo codes throughout the weekend as they're announced! For now, here are some of my favorite sales.

Anthropologie: 30% off select items

ASOS: up to 80% off everything

Betsey Johnson: 30% off with code BETSEY30

BoxLunch: 30% off sitewide

Cath Kidston: up to 60% off with an extra 15% off

Collectif: 50% off sitewide with code TG50

ColourPop Cosmetics: 30% off sitewide 

DSW: 25% off with code BFDEAL

Erstwilder: 30% off 400+ designs 

Heart of Haute: 25% off sitewide

Hot Topic: 30% off everything

Irregular Choice: up to 50% off

J.Crew: 40% off with code SHOPEARLY

Kate Spade: up to 50% off everything

Kitten D'Amour: 25% off select full-price designs

Loungefly: extra 30% off select sale items

Madewell: 30% off with code OHJOY

ModCloth: 40% off sitewide + daily doorbusters

Modern Millie: 15% off storewide with code FESTIVE15

Nordstrom: up to 50% off select items

Old Navy: 50% off your online purchase

Packed Party: 30% off sitewide with code CHEERS30

The Pretty Dress Company: 25% off with code FRIDAY25

Timeless London: 200 dresses for £25

Thirdlove: up to 60% off sitewide, get 20% off orders $150+ with code TL-BESTBFCM20

Too Faced: 30% off sitewide + free shipping with code THANKS30

Trixie Cosmetics: 25% off with code TRIXMASTIME25

Retrospec'd: 30% off with code BIG30SALE

Rifle Paper Company: 30% off everything with code HOLIDAY30

Selkie: up to 40% off select items

Sephora: Cyber Week sale

ShopDisney: 20% off sitewide with code MAGIC

Sourpuss Clothing: 25% off with code BLACK

Steady Clothing: 25% off sitewide with code HOLIDAY2021

Tatyana: 50% off everything with code BLK2021

Ulta: Black Friday deals

Unique Vintage: 25% off with code OHMYGOURD

Urban Decay: 30% off sitewide

Vendula London: up to 50% off select items

Vixen by Micheline Pitt: 35% off sitewide with code BACKTOBLACK

Voodoo Vixen: up to 70% off + an exta 10% off with code BF2147

Happy shopping!

Thursday, October 28, 2021

The Soubrette Brunette's Big Birthday Giveaway! [CLOSED]

blog birthday giveaway

This birthday really snuck up me! I think (or hope, at least) that 33 will be a good year. And to kick things off, I'm hosting my annual birthday giveaway!

This year's giveaway is really special. I'm partnering with 4 brands I absolutely love to give away some incredible prizes... to FOUR DIFFERENT WINNERS!

That's right: 4 of you have a chance to win something amazing!

Keep reading to find out everything you need to know!

blog giveaway prizes

This year's prizes are courtesy of my friends at Heart of Haute, Sarsparilly, Modern Millie, and Stitch Shoppe by Loungefly – four of my absolute favorite businesses! I'm so excited that 4 of my followers will get a chance to win something from these awesome shops. Read the details below!

enter to win

• $75 gift card from Heart of Haute
•  $300 (AUD) gift voucher from Sarsparilly
• $33 gift card from Modern Millie
• Mary Poppins "Sandy" skirt from Stitch Shoppe by Loungefly

Now that you know about the incredible prizes you could win, 
here's what you have to know to enter.

blog giveaway rules

Here's the deal: everyone will enter the giveaway through the Rafflecopter widget. You'll need to complete ALL ENTRIES in order to be eligible to win. (Yes, I will be checking to make sure you've done them all!) 

One (1) winner will be chosen for each prize at random. That means 4 winners will be selected – 1 for each prize. *Note that I cannot accommodate requests for specific prizes!* In the event of availability issues, comparable selections may be made.

This giveaway is open worldwide and will run from now until 11:59 PM (EST) on Wednesday, November 3, 2021. The giveaway winners will be chosen through the widget and contacted via email only. Remember to include a valid email address in your blog post comment! Winners must respond to emails within 48 hours of being contacted or new winners will be chosen. Once confirmed, winners will be displayed via the widget. This giveaway is sponsored by the aforementioned brands and no other brand or business, including Instagram. 

Thanks for entering and best of luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Favorite Gardens in Rochester NY: Parks, Gardens, and Green Spaces Guide

best parks in rochester ny
Photo credit: Emma Rizzo Photo

One of my favorite things about blogging is that it's always given me an excuse to spend time outside. As a result, I've also gotten the opportunity to explore lots of beautiful and hidden places in Rochester NY.

Whether you're looking for outdoor photo locations in Rochester or you simply want to expand your horizons, I'm sharing some of my favorite Upstate gardens some of the best parks in Rochester NY so you can enjoy them as much as I do! I've also included some photos for reference so you can match the location to the post. (I've posted a similar guide on Instagram that's even easier to use when you're on the go!) 

Highland Park Rochester NY

highland park rochester ny
Photo credit: Emma Rizzo Photo

One of my favorite gardens in Rochester NY technically isn't a garden at all – it's a HUGE park. Of all the parks in the Rochester NY area, Highland Park is probably the most well-known (and most beloved). Not only is it among the best parks in Rochester NY, but I'd argue it rivals some of the loveliest parks anywhere. I'd call it the crown jewel of the Flower City.

Highland Park is the home of the annual Lilac Festival (and more than 1,500 lilac bushes!), as well as magnolia and weeping cherry trees, rhododendrons, azaleas, and so much more. It's beautiful at virtually any time of year and is a popular place for dog-walking, jogging, picnicking, and shutterbugging. There are so many reasons why it's on the best parks in Rochester NY list – and I'm just grateful it (and the Highland Park Conservancy) exists. 

George Eastman Museum Rochester NY

eastman museum rochester ny

The George Eastman Museum is renowned for its dedication to photography, but it also has some of the prettiest gardens in Rochester NY. Eastman loved flowers; he would order thousands of tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths from Holland every year – a tradition commemorated with the museum's annual Dutch Connection exhibit. Outside, the gardens are well-kept and open to the public for around half the year. While professional photographers do need a special license to have sessions on the George Eastman Museum grounds, it's a great spot for amateurs like me. :)

Tinker Nature Park Rochester NY

tinker nature park rochester ny

Tinker Nature Park may not technically be categorized as having gardens in Rochester NY, but there are some wild, picturesque spots throughout the park's almost-70-acre parcel. Of all the parks in Rochester NY, this one probably provides the most versatility – making the Tinker Nature Park a popular spot for photographers during this time of year. 

Maplewood Rose Garden Rochester NY

maplewood rose garden rochester ny
Photo credit: Emma Rizzo Photo

These rose gardens in Rochester NY sit smack in the middle of some of the busiest city intersections. The juxtaposition is a strange one, but I've loved every visit I've made to Maplewood Rose Garden. The roses are in peak bloom during June and July, so I highly recommend making a trip downtown to the Maplewood Rosen Garden during the beginning of summer before the blooms fade.

Webster Arboretum

arboretum webster ny

If you're looking for the best community gardens Rochester NY has to provide, you probably wouldn't immediately think of the Webster Arboretum. But this planned community park is beautifully maintained and features ponds, bridges, gazebos, and flowers. Of course, the arboretum in Webster NY has an emphasis on all kinds of trees! While it's not one of my most-visited parks in Rochester NY due to its distance from my apartment, it's a quaint spot that isn't overly crowded.

Lamberton Conservatory Rochester NY

lamberton conservatory rochester ny
Photo credit: Emma Rizzo Photo
When you live in upstate NY, you know that winter seems endless. That's just one reason the Lamberton Conservatory is so popular. These are arguably the best (and possibly the only?) indoor gardens Rochester NY has to offer. While the Lamberton Conservatory is small, it features plenty of tropical and desert plants that you can't ordinarily find in our climate. Those who are looking for year-round botanical gardens near Rochester NY don't have to go far to feel like they're transported to somewhere much warmer.

Warner Castle – Sunken Garden Rochester NY

warner castle sunken garden rochester ny

Although this photo doesn't look especially garden-like, the Warner Castle is one of Rochester's hidden gems with plenty of green space. This photo was taken in the Sunken Garden, located below the Warner Castle and some other green spaces on the property. Technically, professional photographers need to reserve this space. But for quick amateur photoshoots with a spooky vibe, no one usually minds. I wish I had a photo of the beautiful gardens above! You'll just have to take my word that they're enchanting.

Sonnenberg Gardens Canandaigua NY

sonnenberg gardens rochester ny

Feel like taking a short trip? Head to the Sonnenberg Gardens & Mansion State Historic Park. The Sonnenberg Gardens in Canandaigua NY have different themed gardens and exquisite historic buildings. They also host events (pandemic-permitting) at Sonnenberg Gardens! The sprawling 50-acre estate is truly something to see. 

Genesee Country Village and Museum

genesee country village and museum rochester

You can quite literally step back in time at Genesee Country Village & Museum in Mumford NY. In addition to the breathtaking buildings in the recreated 1800s village, you can explore the gorgeous gardens and the nature center right on the property. The Genesee Country Village & Museum is a popular field trip spot for kids, but it's just as captivating for adults. I want to go back to the Genesee Country Village and Museum before it closes for the season!

Linwood Gardens Pavilion NY

linwood gardens new york peony
Photo credit: Emma Rizzo Photo

If you don't mind hopping in the car for about 45 minutes, you can head to one of my favorite gardens near Rochester NY for special events. Home of the Tree Peony Festival, Linwood Gardens is a privately owned estate that's open during specific times of the year. You can stroll around to view the different varieties of peonies and other flowers during their festival or their open garden days. The lovely Linwood Gardens New York State residents love never cease to delight during the early summer.

Ellwanger Garden

ellwanger garden rochester ny

This is another one of the gardens in Rochester NY that's open only during particular times of the year. The Ellwanger Garden is maintained by Rochester's Landmark Society and welcomes visitors during the Lilac Festival and during peony season only. Although I have taken photos at Ellwanger Garden a couple of times, I was informed during my last visit that they don't allow tripods or professional photography. (Unfortunately, I didn't have a photographer with me!) Still, it's one of my favorite hidden gardens in Rochester NY.

Mirbeau Inn & Spa Skaneateles

mirbeau inn & spa skaneateles

If you're seeking gardens near Rochester NY and are up for a day trip, might I suggest making a visit to the Mirbeau Inn and Spa? While there are several Mirbeau locations, I imagine that the Mirbeau Skaneateles NY fans know well would be hard to beat. Not only does the Mirbeau restaurant provide an incredible experience, but the spa acts as a much-needed oasis. The highlight for me, however, is the garden at this Mirbeau Inn & Spa. Modeled after Monet's garden at Giverny, the Mirbeau gardens make me emotional. It's a magical place (albeit a pricy one) – so if you're in the position to go, I'd highly recommend it.

Mackenzie Childs Aurora NY

mackenzie childs aurora ny

Although there are certainly other gardens near Rochester NY that would be a lot closer to the city, I absolutely love the grounds next to the Mackenzie Childs Aurora store. It's a little over an hour away from Rochester, but I think it's worth it. The Mackenzie Childs outlet in Aurora is known for its whimsical home decor and housewares; it's a fun visit in itself, but you can also explore the property and all it has to offer. The highlight for me is the Mackenzie Childs farmhouse Aurora residents know well, in addition to their gardens, their "Chicken Palace" (pictured above!), and their adorable animal residents. Don't miss the chance to take a tour of the Mackenzie Childs property!

Want to Virtually Visit More Gardens Near Rochester NY?

Putting this post together made me realize just how fortunate I am to live somewhere with so much beauty and history. I tried to cover as many of my favorite spots as I could, but there are so many other gardens and parks in Rochester NY to discover. I've made it my unofficial mission to see as many of them as possible (and capture them on camera!). 

While things aren't back to normal quite yet, visiting different gardens and parks near Rochester is a great way to stay active, immerse yourself in nature, and stay safe. If you want me to explore more green spaces in Rochester or elsewhere, let me know – I'd be happy to bring you with me! 

Which of these places looks like somewhere you'd like to explore? What's your favorite park or garden like? Do you have lots of green spaces where you are? Let me know in the comments!

Monday, August 23, 2021

The Soubrette Brunette's Care Package Giveaway! [CLOSED]

win a care package from the soubrette brunette

Whether you're heading back to school or it's been years since you lived in a dorm room, you might need a little pick-me-up right now. That's why I'm giving away a care package to bring some creature comforts into your life! 

Keep reading to learn how to enter.

blog giveaway

One (1) lucky follower will win:
  • $25 Sephora gift card
  • "You're on mute" mug 
  • July 2021–June 2022 planner
  • LOTS of assorted snacks and goodies from my favorite stores (Trader Joe's, Wegmans, and more)

Now that you know what's up for grabs, pay close attention to the giveaway rules below! Make sure you follow them exactly so you don't get disqualified. Here's how to enter.

Giveaway Rules

Enter the giveaway through the Rafflecopter widget below. Note that you must leave a blog post comment and follow me on Instagram to win. You must also include your email address in your comment so I can contact you! Be sure to complete all mandatory entries and optional entries for the best chance to win.

This giveaway is open worldwide and will run from now until 11:59 PM EST on Saturday, August 28, 2021. This giveaway is hosted by The Soubrette Brunette and is not sponsored or endorsed by any other brand or business.

The giveaway winner will be notified via email (NEVER by DM, tagged comments, or another Instagram account) after the giveaway closes. The winner must respond to the email they receive within 48 hours of being contacted or a new winner will be chosen. Once confirmed, the winner will be displayed via the widget. In the event of product unavailability, comparable selections will be made. The winner should also let the host know about any pertinent food allergies or special requests for product selection. Thanks for entering and best of luck!