Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Sorry / Grateful

voodoo vixen plaid tartan dress
All images by Emma Rizzo Photo
My world has changed a lot in the last week. I'm not really ready to talk much about it yet, but suffice it to say that there's a lot to get used to and I'm spending a lot of time deep in thought or fighting back tears. Even when you feel a change is coming, that doesn't make it any easier or less heart-breaking. Knowing something might end up being for the best doesn't mean you're ready for it to happen.

voodoo vixen dress
modcloth shoes
camel coat

Still, there's a lot to be grateful for this Thanksgiving. I am thankful for the people in my life who care deeply about me. I am thankful for everyone who has reached out to me with kindness and compassion. I am thankful for my home and for my job. I am thankful for my cat and for creativity and for laughter and for warmth and for comfort. I am thankful for sunshine and for the seasons and for the knowledge that time does heal (if not completely, at least enough that it won't always hurt to breathe or to remember). I am thankful for my health and for my desire to improve it. I am thankful for words and for music and for art. I am thankful for good deeds in this weary world. I am thankful to have known love; if I have lost it in the end, at least I found it and experienced joy even in the darkest of places and in the darkest of times. I am thankful... in spite of it all.

plaid dress vintage
rochester ny autumn
portraits rochester ny

And now I'm sorry (hence this Sondheim-inspired title) that this post has turned into something more melancholy than I intended, especially because this autumnal dress from Voodoo Vixen should be the star of the show. Emma took some photos of my friend Kelsey and me on what was basically the last day of real fall here in Rochester. We got to capture some dreamy golden moments and my dress looked absolutely perfect against the backdrop of yellow and orange leaves. Now, everything's covered in snow. It seems appropriate that the cold came in all at once, without warning and without apology.

voodoo vixen samantha dress

Back to the dress. This is probably the most beautiful plaid I could imagine for Thanksgiving – and you may be able to find it on sale this week for Black Friday. I was eager to get my hands on it because of the print and because it's actually called the "Samantha" dress. I love all the details (the pockets are so cute) and the plaid is even prettier in person. However, I will say that this dress runs small and that the fabric has no stretch. I actually ordered up from my normal size and it's still not quite big enough to comfortably accommodate my bust and my arms. If you want to snag it for yourself, Doll Me Up still has some sizes (and should be restocking soon); they have an accurate size chart to go by and I would suggest choosing your size based on your bust measurement. The dress comes with a matching fabric belt, so you'd be able to cinch it a bit if it's too roomy (plus, you need a bit of space for holiday foods). Other than that, it's truly a lovely dress and it's so perfect for fall festivities.

plaid dress
fall leaves rochester ny
highland park rochester ny
Outfit Details
Samantha Tartan Dress: c/o Voodoo Vixen
Coat: Hell Bunny (similar)
Tights: similar  ||  Shoes: similar

plaid dress vintage retro

I'm a bit all over the place lately, but I'm trying to stay busy and focus on things I'm excited about. I've already started decorating my house for Christmas and I'll probably be putting up my tree this weekend. I've always loved the holidays and am trying not to think about the fact they suddenly feel a lot lonelier this year. I don't even feel that excited about pumpkin pie, which isn't like me. Maybe I'll feel differently tomorrow. That's all I really hope for lately – that I'll feel differently tomorrow.

Sending love to you and yours.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Mint Scooters

voodoo vixen scooter dress

The summer season may sort of be winding down, but I'm definitely not ready to give up my pastel sundresses quite yet! This adorable dress from Voodoo Vixen ticks a lot of my boxes: it's mint green, it has pockets and cute buttons, and it has a fun novelty print. It's actually little scooters in pink, yellow, and mint. While it's a great dress for spring and summer, it's something I'll be able to wear with a cute cardigan throughout the early fall. The fabric has some stretch to it and it's (thankfully) got a back zip – two features I tend to like in my dresses. Overall, it's a comfy dress that fits in perfectly with my aesthetic. What could be better?

pastel voodoo vixen dress
scooter print dress
voodoo vixen

These pictures are pretty cheery. But the fact is that things have been kind of tough lately. If you follow me on Instagram, you might have noticed that I've been a bit quieter and more contemplative lately. I've been feeling depressed and unconfident and generally overwhelmed. While I'm prone to mood swings, this was kind of a jarring development and made me realize that I haven't been making myself a priority for a long time. I've become so accustomed to being agreeable or trying to please people that I've sort of forgotten to do what makes me happy. That said, I had a pretty great weekend and things are starting to look up. I'm going to try to put myself first, as weird as that feels. I can't keep running on empty and ignore my own needs for the sake of the comfort of other people.

pastel dress

Also, I just want to say thank you to everyone who reached out to me with kind thoughts and advice! It means more to me than you know. I feel much more positive and motivated than before, and I hope that trend will continue.

pastel retro dress
Outfit Details
Eva Retro Scooter Print Dress: c/o Voodoo Vixen
Shoes: similar  ||  Headband: similar  ||  Necklace: similar

Have a great rest of your week!

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Butterflies and Blossoms

voodoo vixen butterfly dress

As someone who owns a lot of fancy dresses, I sometimes feel like I have nowhere to wear my formal frocks. But I'm always reminding myself that I don't really need a special occasion to wear something pretty. Yes, I always fear the "what are you so dressed up for?" comments... but they actually don't come up as often as I'd think. And honestly, what could be better than taking in the short-lived spring blossoms in a dress that feels every bit as lovely?

voodoo vixen floral dress
cherry blossoms rochester ny
floral butterfly print dress

This dress from Voodoo Vixen features an absolutely enchanting print (featuring monarch butterflies and carnations) and a to-die-for back drape. I love dresses with interesting back details like this! The only problem with this, however, is that there's a side zipper (aka the bane of my existence). Because of this – and the fact that this fabric doesn't contain much stretch at all – I actually had to size up to the largest size Voodoo Vixen carries. Admittedly, it's not a perfect fit; it's a bit roomy in the shoulders and even in the waist, since I had to size up to accommodate my bust. But I always award bonus points for big pockets, so this dress definitely has its share of pros.

butterfly print dress
apple blossoms rochester ny
draped back dress

Since this dress truly encapsulates springtime to me, I had to take advantage of all the gorgeous cherry and apple blossoms that seemed to pop up just about everywhere this year. Flowers are fleeting, which makes me sad sometimes... but it also means we have to appreciate the sight (and smell!) while it lasts.

voodoo vixen dress
Outfit Details
Laura Butterfly Swing Dress: c/o Voodoo Vixen
Butterfly brooch: similar  ||  Heels: similar

floral print retro vintage dress
Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017


voodoo vixen allie dress

Things around here are finally starting to bud and bloom, so I thought it was the perfect time to wear this gorgeous floral print dress from Voodoo Vixen. Before I get into the details on this dress, I wanted to share something that happened when I took these photos. I have a feeling it's not a unique story, especially for other bloggers, but it's been bugging me ever since.

voodoo vixen floral dress

Although I take a lot of photos of myself, I prefer to do so in a quiet area without many people around. I hate taking photos in public places, so if I have to do it, I'll try to go during a not-so-popular time. These flower murals (which I've wanted to use as a backdrop for a long time) are painted on the side of a beloved Rochester shop. I decided to go in the early morning, hours before they opened. No one was around, but it's not a secluded area by any means, so I thought it'd be fine.

floral pinup dress
floral print dress
floral vintage dress

Of course, as I'm setting up to take photos, a squirrelly looking guy in his 40s comes into the parking lot and starts walking towards me. He's got his earbuds in and is singing to himself. He gets closer, looking at me. I'm not exactly worried  – more like annoyed – but then he pulls out his phone to take a picture of me. This is while I'm busying myself with settings on my camera, mind you, not while I'm posing in front of it. I can't think of anything good to say (I think I said something eloquent like, "uh, I don't need you taking pictures of me, thanks"), and at this point, I'm wary of saying anything too abrasive anyway because I'm alone and relatively defenseless. After a good minute or two, he slowly walks across the parking lot, still looking at me. Then, he goes over to a car and starts talking to the driver. I'm hopeful that he's leaving, but then he comes back and continues to watch me. Then, the car comes into the parking lot, and the driver gets out. The two of them start talking – loudly, almost suspiciously so. I hear the squirrelly guy tell his friend about his encounter with me, mocking me with my own words and laughing. I'm on my guard, but don't want to pack everything up and get in the car; I have a right to be there and I don't feel like I'm in extreme danger. After what seems like an eternity, the pair finally drive away. I feel like I can breathe again and I finish taking my photos in peace.

parkleigh mural rochester ny

The thing is, nothing bad happened, really. I wasn't physically assaulted. I wasn't even catcalled. I'm not trying to make something out of nothing. But this is precisely the kind of bullshit women have to deal with on a daily basis. And I resent the fact I apparently need to bring along my boyfriend or another person just to make sure that nobody invades my personal space and ruins my morning. I realize #notallmen are like this (ugh), but it's way too common and represents a huge problem that many people fail to recognize. So please: if you are in a position to speak up about this sort of behavior when you see it, do it. No one should have to feel unsafe just because she's a woman going about her routine.

lilac mural

All that being said... this dress is everything. The print isn't a typical spring floral, which makes it a bit more versatile for year-round wear. In all honesty, I think this is my absolute favorite Voodoo Vixen dress I've ever owned. The fit is amazing (and it has pockets, yay!), and I love the silhouette. Plus, the print makes me realize how much I feel like I'm blossoming along with the flowers. Last year at this time, I was so overwhelmed with figuring out what I was going to do with my life. And now, I have a creatively fulfilling job at which I excel, I'm starting to take control of my health, and I'm in a relationship with someone I really care about. It may not always be easy and I may not handle everything with poise, but I'm so excited about what this spring will be and I feel so proud about how far I've come.

flower mural
Outfit Details
Allie Dark Floral Dress: c/o Voodoo Vixen
Shoes: similar  ||  Necklace: similar
Belt: from another dress

allie floral dress voodoo vixen

In addition to Voodoo Vixen's new spring/summer line (which is just beautiful), they're having an Easter sale on some of their earlier pieces. So if there's something you've had your eye on, be sure to grab it quick like a bunny!

Monday, January 2, 2017


voodoo vixen kat dress

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a nice New Year's Eve. Mine was pretty much just what I wanted: a cozy night at home with yummy food, some good movies, and my boy + cat. It wasn't a big to-do, but opting for pjs instead of a fancy dress honestly felt so nice. After this crazy year we've had – and a particularly stressful week –  I was thrilled to stay in and be an old lady.  :)

cat print dress
cat brooch erstwilder
voodoo vixen dress
cat novelty print

I may like my sweatpants a lot during the week, but I'll always be a sucker for a great novelty print dress, like this one from Voodoo Vixen. The print is all kitty cat clocks, which feels especially appropriate for my life right now; time seems to be going by so quickly and I seemingly never have enough of it. And since I'm spending my evenings in rehearsal for a children's show that's all about cats, they seem to dominate my thoughts all the time! This might actually be one of my favorite dresses I've worn from Voodoo Vixen. It fits really well (I'm wearing my normal size, FYI) and I love all the little details. And it's actually on sale on their site right now!

cat clock dress voodoo vixen
Outfit Details
Kat Dress: c/o Voodoo Vixen
Mischievous Minty brooch: c/o Erstwilder
Belt: from another dress (similar)
Shoes: B.A.I.T. (similar)

Have a great start to your 2017!

Monday, October 24, 2016

Big Birthday Giveaway! [CLOSED]

It's that time of year again: time for my annual big birthday giveaway! Every October, I love to give my lovely readers a little treat (much more preferable to a trick, if you ask me). My birthday is on Friday, so I'm kicking off my birthday week by giving you all a chance to win some wonderful prizes from some of my favorite brands! Read on to find out how.

the soubrette brunette giveaway

I'm keeping this year's birthday giveaway a bit more *intimate* than in previous years. Really, things have just been so busy that I decided to make it a bit more exclusive and less overwhelming for myself. In the past, I've given away a bunch of smaller prizes for several people, but this year, I've opted to giveaway a HUGE prize to one lucky follower. Here's what's up for grabs!
retro vintage giveaway
The winner will receive:
- Red and Black Pindot "Diana" dress from Unique Vintage
- Your choice of "Estelle" blouse and circle skirt from Heart of Haute
- Purple spiderweb Backseat Baby purse from Sourpuss Clothing
- Wanda Woodward pin + "Really Good Hair Club" print from Dreaming of Johnny
- "Liv" cardigan from Voodoo Vixen

RULES: Enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter widget below. There are mandatory entries you must complete to be eligible (one of these is that you're a follower of my blog – no unfollowing after the giveaway ends, please). There are also optional entries you can complete to increase your chance of winning. One (1) winner will receive all of the prizes listed above. The winner will be contacted via e-mail, so be sure to provide a valid e-mail address. The winner must respond to my e-mail within 48 hours or a new winner will be chosen. The giveaway is open worldwide and will run from now until 11:59 pm EST on Sunday, October 30th (right on the stroke of Halloween – spooky!).

Thanks for entering and best of luck!