Friday, December 27, 2013

Friday Favorites #34: New Year's Eve!

It's hard to believe that Christmas is already over, and that the next holiday is hot on its heels!  To me, New Year's Eve is filled with feathers, frills, faux fur, and everything festive and fun!  I don't even know what I'm doing this year, though I think it's going to be the first time in a while that I'm not going out for it.  New Year's Eve has romantic connotations for me (and for most people, probably), but I've had just as much fun with friends on NYE, and sometimes I miss the simplicity of that.  Whatever I end up doing, you can bet I'll still be dressed to the nines!  Here are some of my top pieces that are perfect for ringing in the new year, starting with the quintessential NYE hue: black!
a // b // c // d // e // f // g // h // i // j // k // l // m

I definitely want to have a masquerade party at some point (I thought about having one for my birthday this year, but NYE would be a perfect time!).  And that feathered capelet is everything.  I've worn black for nearly every New Year's Eve in the recent past, but last year, I wore a light gold brocade dress that I absolutely loved.  Gold is a wonderful option for this holiday, and I love it because there are so many different tones of gold to choose from!

1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 
7 // 8 // 9 // 10 // 11 // 12 // 13

I don't incorporate a ton of sparkle and glitter into what I normally wear, but I think it's perfect --  and sometimes necessary! -- for New Year's Eve!  Gold is definitely what I prefer, but I think silver can be a really pretty option, especially when it's snowy outside!

1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10 // 11

For some reason, I always opt for neutrals for this holiday, but I think these two brighter dresses would be divine for NYE festivities:

via ASOS

I think pink is a wonderful idea for this holiday, and this beautiful blush color is a great way to make a basic have more pop!  These peachy pieces remind me of bubbly pink champagne!

a // b // c // d // e // f // g // h // i // j // k // l

And speaking of champagne, isn't this Bernie Dexter champagne print dress adorable?

After the partying is over, you remember that a whole new year has begun, and you think about all that the new year has in store.  I'm planning on doing a New Year's Eve outfit post and really reflect on my year in that, but I wanted to say that I really loved this list of blogging resolutions!  I have so many goals and resolutions I want to strive for this year.  In fact, the sheer amount of things I want to accomplish is a little overwhelming, but here is a sampling of my many New Year's resolutions:

* learn how to drive!!!
* create a budget & save at least one full paycheck per month
* organize my bedroom and do a full makeover
* clean out my closets (and listing many more pieces in my shop my closet store!)
* make headway on my website
* upload production videos to YouTube and start work on a reel
* make exercise a priority again
* be diligent about Weight Watchers
* make a blogging schedule calendar & work on other blogging goals from list
* start to figure out more long-term goals (where I want to live, how I'm going to go about it, etc.) -- this is definitely the most daunting one at this point!
* work harder, but remember to be kind to myself
 * be okay with being single & remember to always find the joy

What are some of your New Year's resolutions?  Do you end up keeping them?  I feel like my most meaningful goals and promises to myself didn't come from New Year's resolutions at all.  I don't think it's ever been enough to motivate me, frankly.  But I hope I'll do better with my goals this year!

Have a wonderful Friday!
xox Sammi

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

White Christmas

Outfit Details:
Bernie Dexter Amour and More Dress in Plaid: ModCloth
(no longer available, but similar styles here and here)
Heart necklace: ASOS (no longer available)
White heels: jcpenney (similar here)
Red boots: DSW (old)
Red coat: eBay

We ended up having a white Christmas!  All the snow had melted by Monday, so I was afraid we'd have green grass showing... but miraculously, we got a dusting of snow that night, and then all through the first half of Christmas Eve day, so it was the perfect amount for the holidays!  Our Christmas Eves are pretty low-key these days.  We used to have huge celebrations with my mom's family (she had three other siblings, all with lots of kids), but it's kind of strange and sad when families drift apart as you get older.  I think there is oftentimes a lot of pressure on families to make the holidays special when the kids are young, and the cracks start to show as you get older.  Or at least, that's how it is in my family.  Now, it's just my parents and me for Christmas.  Which is really nice, don't get me wrong.  But I do miss those big, festive Christmases of my childhood.  

Isn't this dress all kinds of amazing??

We still open nearly all our presents on Christmas Eve (we save the little and silly things for Christmas morning), and we have lots of yummy snack-y foods.  I got some really wonderful things from my parents last night, including my new DSLR(!!!), a few books, a couple of dresses (a black velvet one from Urban Outfitters and a pastel vintage dress from Etsy), aaaaand... MY DAD GOT MY MOM AND ME TICKETS TO SEE HEART!!!  They are coming to Rochester in April, and he got us fifth row seats!!!  I knew about almost all of my presents, but this one was a complete and utter surprise.  I am so so excited!  My mom and I both really love Heart, and I haven't been to an actual concert in forever.  It was really sweet of him to do that (especially since he's not even going!).  I am a really lucky (and spoiled) girl, to have such generous parents.  Since I love giving gifts just as much as receiving them, I tried to make sure I got both of my parents really nice, thoughtful things they would enjoy; I got my dad a bunch of books, a couple of CDs, and a wine stopper that has a drum design on it (since he is a drummer who definitely enjoys his fair share of wine...), and I got my mom all the Friends seasons on DVD, some Betsey Johnson jewelry, and a little art print about gardening.

Today, we're starting off the day with a breakfast of orange rolls & cinnamon rolls, sausages and fruit... and then we'll be headed out to see Saving Mr. Banks (could there be a more perfect Christmas movie for me?!), and then out for Chinese food (like the typical Jews we are).  It's always interesting to see how traditions evolve.  You'd think that traditions would just stay traditions forever, ya know?  We started doing the movie-and-Chinese-food thing when I was in college; prior to that, we'd always done more of a sit-down dinner or leftovers or something, or gone to relatives' houses.  The holidays are always nostalgic, but I like to remind myself that making new traditions can be really special, too.  I have a lot of friends who are on cruise ships or national tours who may not get to come home for Christmas, which would be really difficult, but it's also a chance to make new memories and traditions.  I wonder what my holidays will be like in a few years, or when I have a family of my own (assuming that will happen at some point).  It's been weird not having a boyfriend this year to shop for or to kiss under the mistletoe -- and it's especially weird (and, if I'm being honest here, pretty upsetting) knowing that he does already have someone new to do those things with (..... I'll just let that sink in).  That's a whole other topic for a whole other time, but getting confirmation about that piece of information did put a bit of a damper on my Christmas, as much as it pains me to say it.  Even though I know that I am probably much better off without him, it still stings.  I guess I'd rather know than be in the dark about it.  But when all is said and done... I still choose happiness.  I choose to enjoy my holiday and spend time with people who do love and care about me.  And I choose to not let people who don't take anything else away from me.  I will be merry and bright, and dammit, my Christmas will be white.  :)   
I opted out those red moon boots (as I call them) for white heels during our festivities -- much better!  :)

Have a very merry Christmas!  Sending love to you all.

xox Sammi (+ Bing)

Monday, December 23, 2013

The Red Queen (+ giveaway winner!)

Outfit Details:
Luck Be A Lady Dress in Red: ModCloth
Upper West Stride Hat: ModCloth
Doo Bee Doo Bee Shoe Heel in Black: ModCloth
Black cardigan: Forever 21 (similar here & here)

Today's post is a bit of a short one.  I worked every single day last week (I normally get at least one day off), so not only am I exhausted, but I also didn't have much time to take photos over the last several days!  We had a weekend full of holiday concerts where I work, which of course meant that I had to look festive!  This is what I wore on Saturday (though I couldn't wear the hat, since it wouldn't work very well with a headset) for my double header of concerts.  I love these Luck Be A Lady dresses; they have such a flattering silhouette, and isn't the belt adorable??  This particular color has way more stretch than the other two I have (I probably could have gone down a size, but I kind of didn't want to bother exchanging it, since it looks fine with a cardigan over it).  It's a great holiday dress, and it'll also serve me well for auditions, since it's flattering and such a nice color.

I'm super excited because one of my oldest and dearest friends, Meghan, is in town for the holidays!  She lives down in St. Louis now, so I don't get to see her very often, and we are loooong overdue for a catch-up!  We usually go out for Vietnamese food when we see each other, but I think we're opting for a coffee date today.  I'm glad to have the next few days off.  :)  I just hope the weather isn't gross so I can take some Christmas-y photos outside!  Eeeee I love holidays!!

Oh, and before I forget: the winner of the Silent Daisy giveaway is... Kari!  Congratulations, Kari!  Crissy will be in touch with you about all the details :) Thank you so much to everyone who entered!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Have a lovely Monday!
xox Sammi

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Flock Together Style Challenge: New Year's Eve

Christmas isn't for another few days, but the girls over at Flock Together are already gathering inspiration for our New Year's Eve looks!  If you're feeling stumped on what to wear for NYE -- or you just want to take a peek at what we'll be wearing -- head on over to the Flock Together blog today!  I'm still stumped on what to wear.  I included a few of my top choices there, but you can take a look at all the possibilities below.  Be sure to check out the Flock Together post for even more inspiration! 

Dress: Urban Outfitters (old) // Faux fur stole: Target (similar here)
Heels: ModCloth // Earrings: Mom's // Bracelet: old
Dress and headband: Kohl's // Shoes: ModCloth // Bracelet: old
Dress: Anthropologie (similar here & here) // Cardigan: vintage (Mom's) // Pearls: Claire's // Shoes: ModCloth
Dress: ModCloth // Necklace: Forever 21 // Shoes: ModCloth
Dress: old (Free People?) // Feather headband: Forever 21 // Shoes: estate sale store
Dress: Charlotte Russe (old) // Top hat headband: can't remember // Belt: from another dress
Necklace: ASOS (similar here) // Shoes: ModCloth

I wore the gold dress last year, and I'm sort of leaning towards wearing it again... but I need help -- which look is your favorite of the bunch?  :)

Have a great Sunday!!
xox Sammi

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Recipe: the most delicious no-bake cookies!

I'll be the first to admit it: I am not really all that domestic.  I don't know how to cook many things (but I do make the yummiest eggs, FYI) and cleaning is always on my to-do list (but it doesn't actually get done until absolutely necessary).  However, even I can master these absolutely scrumptious cookies; they are so incredibly simple, and they are downright addictive.  They take no time at all, which makes them perfect for a last-minute holiday party treat -- that is, if you don't eat them all yourself first!  This recipe is from the mother of my mom's oldest friend, and it's been one of my favorite recipes for as long as I can remember.  The process is a bit similar to making fudge (except you don't even need a double boiler!), so if you love fudge, peanut butter or just have a sweet tooth... you'll love these.

What you will need: 
 2 c. sugar // 4 Tbsp. cocoa powder // 1/2 c. milk (we used fat free skim)
1/2 c. butter // 1/2 c. peanut butter (we used all-natural)
3 c. oats // 1 tsp. vanilla // wax paper

* I like to start by lining up a few cutting boards with sheets of wax paper on top (you could also use cookie sheets instead of cutting boards, if you're fancy). 

* Once that's set, add 2 cups of sugar and 4 Tbsp. of cocoa to a medium-sized sauce pan (without the heat on) and stir.  Make sure to get out all the lumps!  Then, add 1/2 cup milk and stir.

* Add in 1/2 cup of butter (you could also use margarine) to the mixture.  Turn on the heat to medium and bring to a slow boil.  Once the slow boil begins, keep on the heat for 1 minute.

* After 1 minute, turn off heat and add in 1/2 cup peanut butter, 1 tsp. vanilla, and 3 cups of oats. Stir.

* Use a regular spoon (or soup spoon) and make medium-sized dollops on the sheets of wax paper.  Let harden and enjoy!

That's it!  So simple!  And so addictive!  I have already eaten way too many of these cookies, and it's not even Christmas yet!  Let me know if you try the recipe (and if so, what you thought of them!), and let me know if you have any questions!

Oh, and this is what I wore while baking making our cookies.  I couldn't resist.  :)

Outfit Details:
My Sweet Art Dress: ModCloth
Red mock turtleneck: can't remember!
Spectators: BAIT Footwear

Have a sweet Saturday!
xox Sammi