Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Who's got the button?

Outfit Details:
Children's Theatre Director Dress: ModCloth (old)
White button-down: ASOS (similar here)
Knee socks: ModCloth (similar here)
Brown flats: old (similar here)

Short post again today, guys.  I'm still in a lot of pain from getting my wisdom teeth out (I definitely have dry socket, woohoo) and have kind of been in a haze of sleep and medication.  The weather has also been giving us subzero temperatures, so even if I were in a state to take photos, they wouldn't be outside for now!  These photos are actually from a few weeks ago, when it wasn't unbearably cold.  It's certainly nice to think about that right now.  I hope to rejoin the world of the living very soon; it's getting lonely and I'm getting restless!  Hope you all are well.

PS: Speaking of "buttons" (since I love the ones on this dress so much), I finally got around to making some ad buttons for my blog!  There are a couple on the left sidebar, if you'd like to grab the code!  I also have a bunch more in different dimensions, but I didn't want to clog everything up with them.  I'd be so obliged if you wanted to put one up on your own blog (and if you want a different size, e-mail me)!  One of my goals for my second year of blogging is to put my advertising page up & start charging to advertise on my blog, but I am always willing to talk about ad swaps, as well.  :)

xox Sammi