Thursday, February 14, 2019

Saint Valentine

gal meets glam zelda dress
All images by Emma Rizzo Photo
Valentine's Day is here... and to be honest, I don't feel quite as downtrodden as I thought I would. Maybe it's because I'm realizing that love can take many different forms – and doesn't necessarily stop or disappear just because situations change. Maybe it's because I'm lucky enough to be spending time with a lot of people I love during the next few days. Or maybe it's because I got a lot of my crying out of the way last week. I've been saying that I'm my own valentine this year, but I also think that this year is about healing my heart. So I'm trying to focus on that instead of romanticizing what I no longer have.

gal meets glam collection
pink vintage dress
pink valentine outfit

Also, I might be feeling better than expected because my mom and I are having breakfast for dinner tonight and I'm just plain excited for pancakes... Who's to say, really?

retro pink dress
pink valentine bouquet
pink feather headband

I knew I wanted to feature a lot of pink and a lot of flowers in this post, so I arranged a bouquet (into a heart – totally by accident!!) and ventured out into the snowy tundra with Emma. These photos turned out dreamier than I could have hoped. If you're thinking about buying a dress from the Gal Meets Glam collection, I'd highly recommend it. I can't say enough good things about the quality! The February collection will be out on the 20th and I can't wait to see some of the resort wear (even though I won't be able to wear it for a few months).

gal meets glam pink dress
Outfit Details
Gal Meets Glam Zelda Dress: Nordstrom
Pink feather headband: similar
Necklace: similar  ||  Heels: similar

gal meets glam

I'm not sure whether we'll be dressed to the nines tonight or whether we'll be in pajamas, but I'm glad I have something to look forward to. And I'll be spending the weekend with some of my favorite ladies (because Galentine's Day should last longer, right?). So for now, things are looking up.

Sending you lots of love today, valentines.

PS: the winner of my giveaway has been chosen! Congratulations to Athena and thanks to everyone who entered. There will be more giveaways on the horizon, I promise.


  1. Yes! These photos are indeed dreamy!!!

    I totally understand where you're coming from on the Valentine's Day front. And I think the plans with your family sound wonderful!


  2. This is such a beautiful look, Sammi! I hope your Valentine's day is lovely regardless of the things that might bring it down for you! <3

  3. What a gorgeous dress, these photos are so pretty.
    Glad you're not feeling too down today.
    Breakfast for dinner sounds exciting! X
