Monday, May 8, 2017


bernie dexter tomato dress

As much as I want to be better with remixing my pieces here on the blog, I still struggle with the idea of repeating outfits. I styled this Bernie Dexter dress a few years ago... somehow, I feel like that's too recent! It's one of my favorite prints, but I always forget I have it! (I guess that's what happens when you collect clothes as a hobby...) I've been wanting to pair it with this great pin from Kate Gabrielle, which is not only on-theme, but is also very true of me (and Sophia Loren). There's one problem with this outfit, though: I'm so suggestible that I want pasta every time I look at these photos!

tomato print dress
everything you see i owe to spaghetti pin
tomato dress chelsea bernie dexter
Outfit Details
Bernie Dexter Dress: old (but here's a vegetable dress!)
Pin: Kate Gabrielle  ||  Flats: Amazon

bernie dexter
Have a delicious start to your week!


  1. Haha, I feel the same way about re-styling things! Even though I know it's totally fine to do so, I never want to wear the same dress twice on the blog. Posts can be years old, and I'll still feel like it's too soon.

    This dress is SO CUTE. I love it! And the way you styled it, too, you look so pretty and summery!


  2. Still one of my top Bernies!!! I don't wear it enough either and yes, I also want pasta constantly! I have a poster with this quote on it and needless to say, it's one of my favorite things - next to actual pasta of course ;)
