Monday, April 6, 2015

Really Good Hair Club

sophie mcmahon artist

I don't wear separates very often, but when I saw this t-shirt from You Were Swell, I knew I had to find a great skirt to go with it.  I've admired Sophie's work for quite some time, and I'm so glad I finally have one of her pieces!  This particular design also comes in tote bag and print form, but I'm glad I bought the top.  My only regret is that you can't see more of the graphic with this outfit!  These photos are from a couple of weeks ago, so apologies for the abundance of snow.  I was so sick of trudging through all of it in my backyard, so I tried to make the front walk work for a location.  I can't wait for nicer weather so that I can scout out some other places for blog photos!  

you were swell etsy
really good hair club
hair club t-shirt

Quite a bit has happened over the past couple of weeks.  I've spent the last 3 years working in the box office for the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra, and I finally made the decision to leave my job there to start working as an assistant for my mom.  I'm not sure whether or not I've mentioned this, but my mom is a publicist for a lot of arts organizations in Rochester (including the orchestra I was working for), and her business has grown so much that she now needs extra help.  I really enjoyed my time at the box office, and I'm really going to miss my coworkers and managers.  But after three years, I decided that I had gotten about as much out of it as I can, and I felt it was time for me to go in another direction and gain a whole new skill set.  It was a tough decision (and leaving was very bittersweet), but I think this will be good for me in the longterm.  Going out of your comfort zone is a scary thing, but I'm embracing it so that I can grow and figure out my next steps.  I'll be working from home, doing some writing, working with media and learning a lot.  I'm excited to see what the future holds!

pink saddle shoes
Outfit Details
Really Good Hair Club tee: You Were Swell
Hell Bunny skirt: Modern Pinup
Saddle shoes: Unique Vintage
Cardigan: ModCloth
Petticoat: eBay
Socks: similar
Belt: old

hell bunny pink skirt

Have a great Monday!
xox Sammi

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Easter Bunnies

easter dress
bunny dress
bunny print dress

Happy almost Easter!  As a lover of pastels, I have quite a few dresses that are especially apropos for Easter, but I couldn't resist wearing this adorable bunny print dress from eShakti this weekend!  It's such a perfect shade bubblegum pink and looks great with a petticoat.  And it's currently on sale!

pink dress
carrot brooch

This outfit also gave me a chance to wear this vintage carrot brooch.  I found a great shadowbox at Marshall's to put some of my brooches in (I usually just keep them in a box and I'm always worried I'll ruin the more delicate ones), so I've been having fun organizing them for display.  I had actually forgotten just how many brooches I have -- I couldn't even fit all of them in the case!  At least this will remind me to wear them more often.  

eshakti dress
rabbit dress

I've heard that it is supposed to snow tomorrow (ugh!!!), so I've been enjoying the springy weather during the past couple of days.  And since we celebrate both Passover and Easter is my family, this weekend has been filled with lots of yumminess.  Maybe some Reese's eggs will offset a snowfall?

pink eshakti dress
Outfit Details
Bunny dress: eShakti
Cardigan: ModCloth
Carrot brooch: vintage
Shoes: ModCloth
Petticoat: eBay

Have a wonderful weekend!
xox Sammi

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Mint Julep || Unique Vintage Style Society

unique vintage

If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen my exciting news: I've been chosen to be part of the Unique Vintage Style Society!  The #iamunique Style Society is comprised of some truly awesome and stylish bloggers (all of whom I've admired for quite some time), and I feel very humbled to be in their company.  I'm so excited to be a part of this inclusive and supportive campaign that celebrates confident, passionate and extraordinary women who love to express their uniqueness through fashion.

garden state dress unique vintage
vintage swiss lace dress
garden state dress

Some of you might remember this post, wherein I talked about all of the reasons #iamunique.  I've always put a lot of emphasis on the importance of honesty and vulnerability, but nevertheless, it's still a little daunting to share your insecurities in such a public way.  All of the responses I received were incredibly supportive, and I was actually a bit surprised to learn that many of you could relate so closely to my experiences.  I'd venture a guess that the vast majority of us have, at one point or another, been made to feel like we aren't pretty enough, like we aren't thin enough, like we aren't smart enough, like we aren't feminine enough, like we aren't good enough.  Like we aren't enough.  Even if we rationally know that these things aren't true, we all need a little reminding from time to time.  This is one of the many reasons why I love the #iamunique campaign.  It may seem like a simple hashtag might not make a difference, but it has the power to remind us to celebrate ourselves.

mint green vintage dress
mint retro dress

I used to hate that I wasn't "conventionally beautiful."  But now I'm overjoyed that I'm anything but conventional.  My particular brand of beauty is entirely mine and it makes me special.  My supposed "imperfections" make me memorable.  I think self-acceptance is a lifelong journey, but I'm learning to love a lot of the things I used to think of as flaws.  I may not be 100% satisfied with myself all the time, and that's okay (because if I were, I'd never grow!).  Like many women, I still struggle with my body image and self-esteem; sadly, this is not one of the things that makes me unique, because it's such a common problem.  But I'm learning to love myself unconditionally -- regardless of the number on the scale, the number of blemishes on my face or the number of times I've heard the word "no."  I've spent too long letting those things keep me from loving the compassionate, imaginative and beautiful person I am.  #iamunique, and that's definitely worth celebrating.

unique vintage style society
mint polka dot dress
style society

One of my favorite ways to celebrate myself is through what I wear.  It may seem superficial to some, but I believe that personal style can be very powerful, and I certainly believe in having fun with fashion.  I dress the way I feel on the inside; what I wear is a direct reflection of my joie de vivre.  I think life is too short for boring clothes, and I have to wear what makes me happy!  Those are my only real "fashion rules," and this gorgeous Unique Vintage brand dress ticks all the boxes on my checklist.  I feel like a vintage mint princess in this dress, and what's not to love about that? For more beautiful vintage dresses like this one, be sure to check out Unique Vintage.

mint dress
the soubrette brunette unique vintage
Outfit Details
Garden State Cocktail Dress: c/o Unique Vintage
Necklace: similar
Shoes: thrifted

Be sure to use #iamunique on social media to celebrate all of the things that make you so wonderfully you!
Have a great day!
xox Sammi

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Blogger Interview: Liana from Finding Femme

Happy April 1st!  I took a brief hiatus from my blogger interview series, but it's back this month!  Today's Q&A is with the lovely Liana from Finding Femme.  Liana is a multi-talented, elegant & stylish gal from Australia, and I'm thrilled that she's agreed to share some facts about herself (as well as her beautiful blog photos) this morning.  Get to know more about Liana below and be sure to visit her blog!

australian blogger

Name: Liana Skewes

Age: 28

Where you blog: I'm over on Finding Femme.  I blog a weekly fashion outfit, usually in a classic fashion style. I also write poetry and talk about things that I find interesting or thought-provoking.

How did you get into blogging? I started in 2006 and initially it was a little bit of clothes, things I liked, beautiful things I saw and events I went to. It was a fun way for me to explore photography and to indulge in creative writing, which I don't do enough. Eventually, my interest in clothes and photography, and my desire to write, became what my blog is today. It was a big thing to commit to posting one series of outfit photos each week, but I've been doing that for a year now and it's become part of my routine. 

finding femme

Where you work or what you study in school: I both work and study. I work at a University in a department that develops and runs academic support programs for undergraduate students. My role includes some diverse stuff like social media and web editing, marketing, photography, content development, and doing fun things with data and spreadsheets. I can go from corporate meetings to walking around the campus in a Wonder Woman cape. It's an amazing job. I also study on top of that. I'm doing a Bachelor of Arts with subjects in literature and history. It's dense stuff. I've had the pleasure of studying everything from Harry Potter and Game of Thrones to fairy tales. The most life changing thing I have studied was a unit on the Holocaust. That unit put my life into perspective and is the context which I use view the world around me.

What's your dream job? An author. It was one of my passions growing up and I don't give myself enough time to work on it now. I try to make up for that during NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) though.

hogwarts blog

Your favorite musician, singer or band: This changes month to month. Electric Mary are my favourite band. Lianne La Havas is probably my favourite singer and songwriter. I also love Phox, La Roux, The D, Kimbra, Taylor Swift, Marina and the Diamonds, Christine and the Queens, Francoise Hardy, Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, and Clairy Browne and the Bangin Rackettes.

Your favorite musical: The Slipper and the Rose, and then Chicago. If you haven't seen The Slipper and the Rose before, you need to check it out. It's a Cinderella story musical and was nominated for an Oscar for best original score.

Favorite book (from childhood or now): Harry Potter. Nothing has ever transported me like these books did.

Your favorite movie? Children of Men

And your favorite Disney movie? Treasure Planet

fashion blogger

Your favorite guilty pleasure? This is a tough one. I don't feel guilty about anything I indulge in, so how about a favourite indulgence? Gin. Or Nintendo 64.

What's your favorite season and why? Autumn. Autumn is like the whole world is at peace. It's still mildly warm, the trees turn electric with their colours, the light becomes golden at the end of the day. It's the most romantic season.

What's one thing that most people might not know about you? I have a black belt in Karate. I fell out of training about a year after getting to that level and I want to get back into it. While I was training, I competed in some national competitions doing martial arts demonstrations and have some trophies as tall as I am. I miss it a lot. It used to be my whole life.

girl with tea

Favorite TV show or fictional character with whom you identify: Anne Elliot in Persuasion by Jane Austen.

Drink of choice: Tea. Specifically the Earl Grey by La Maison du Thé.

Favorite food in the world: Tough choice between fresh homemade pasta, scallops, doughnuts, cookies or hot crossed buns.

Do you have a celebrity crush? Jamie Beck the fashion photographer/stylist. I die. Also, Sigourney Weaver.

Which actress would play you in a movie version of your life? Carey Mulligan.

beret girl

Your favorite place to shop, favorite clothing brand or favorite designer: Miss Patina or Review Australia. I also daily check the Modcloth app for new arrivals.

What's the most beloved article of clothing you own? A houndstooth cape I had made. I haven't blogged it yet, though. Or the Doc Martens I inherited from my sister when she died. I'm always reminded when I wear them that we had the same size feet. It's little things like that that make me miss her.

If you could live during any other time period, what would it be? A long time ago, but in a galaxy far, far away.

vintage girl with bike

Do you have a style icon?  If so, who? Jamie Beck, Nigella Lawson, Taylor Swift, Emma Watson.

How would you describe your personal style? Classic. I love having clothes that will look beautiful in ten years, not just for the season. I try not to take my own style too seriously, to give myself room to play and have fun.

Do you have a favorite fashion mantra or piece of style advice?  It used to be "beauty is pain." I've learned a few things since then. The most important of which is, buy clothes to fit you now, not the shape or size you want to me. Your clothes shouldn't remind you of your inadequacies, they should remind you that you should love your body as it is.

Go-to accessory? Hat. Cloche or beret. Easiest way to fix bad hair is to hide it.

What are some other blogs that you love? THIS ONE ERMAHGHERD. Also... The Carnabetian ArmyPandoraThe Clothes HorseBuddle and Squeak.  There are many many more...

girl with tulle skirt

What's been your favorite post from your blog so far (or favorite outfit you've worn)?  
I am pretty fickle when it comes to favourite blog posts. I was made sharply aware of this fact when I tried to compile a list of my best outfits of 2014 (it's an awesome blog post with moving pictures. You can find it here!). Anyway, I have a new favourite every few weeks. That being said, my current absolute favourite is the tulle skirt outfit I did at the end of March (which you can find here). I love my fading rose gold hair, I love the skirt, and the lighting we had to do the photos was awesome.

If you could wear only one outfit every day for the rest of your life, what would it be? I don't think I can answer this. It makes me sad just thinking about it. It's like being told you'll only have porridge forever. You might like porridge more than anything, but when you have to have it every meal, nobody likes it.

Anything else you'd like to talk about? I'm a die-hard lover of the old fashioned letter. If you love letter writing, you can start with a pen pal the old fashioned way. There's an amazing organisation called the International Geek Girl Pen Pal Club. You sign up and they pair you with another geek girl with similar interests. Check out the website for more details.

Also, if you think we have stuff or style in common, you can find me on all the things:
bloglovin feedly instagram pinterest facebook tumblr

finding femme blog

Thanks so much again to Liana for being a part of my interview series!  If you're interested in being considered for this Q&A series, feel free to e-mail me so I can check out your blog and see if you'd be a good fit!

Have a great day!
xox Sammi

PS: I also have some exciting news to announce!  Tune in to my Instagram later today to get the scoop, or check back here tomorrow for more details!  :) 

Monday, March 30, 2015


voodoo vixen tilly dress

As you can see, it's still a bit snowy here, so I'm continuing to infuse spring into my daily outfits!  I've always loved the print on this dress from Voodoo Vixen, but I sometimes forget about it during the colder months.  But when I received this adorable Kevin Koala brooch from Erstwilder, I immediately decided I really wanted to pair them together!  I ended up really loving this ensemble (though I do wish I could've swapped the snow boots for something daintier), and it just goes to show that you can wear florals at any time of year, no matter the weather.

voodoo vixen
erstwilder koala

I've been a fan of Erstwilder's darling brooches for quite some time, and I'm excited that I was finally able to start my own little collection.  I'm not a big jewelry person these days, but brooches are probably my favorite way to accessorize an outfit, and the ones from Erstwilder are incredibly well-made.  There's so much variety, and I've had fun collecting the few I have so far (it's almost like the sensation we got from collecting Beanie Babies, but it's even better because you can wear them!).  

tilly dress
Outfit Details
Tilly Dress: Voodoo Vixen  (Get 20% off with code BUNNY15)
Kevin Koala brooch: Erstwilder
Cardigan: Trashy Diva
Pettislip: Amazon (similar)
Belt: ASOS
Boots: eBay

Have a great Monday!
xox Sammi

Friday, March 27, 2015

Friday Favorites #88

Happy Friday!  Between more snow and a mid-week migraine, I'm pretty glad this week is over.  Here are some of the things that brightened up my mood during the past few days...

Like most fans of Pinup Girl Clothing, I'm eagerly awaiting the arrival of their new Mary Blair collection.  Along with the train print dress, this charming umbrella print dress is also on my wish list.  And I just saw that PUG is bringing back this amazing pink circus print dress, too!  Bye-bye, money.
a   //   b

These wedges from B.A.I.T. footwear are really sweet:

Pretty spring dresses!

a   //   b   //   c

This Scottie dog cardigan is so cute!
I feel like I should maybe invest in a tea cozy.  This one is lovely!
I never thought I was much of a shoe girl, but I've definitely become more of one lately.  Springtime is perfect for polka dotted shoesies!

1   //   2

You all know how much I love novelty bags, and food-themed purses are always high on my list:
a   //   b   //   c   //   d   //   e

These Swedish Hasbeens are so dreamy!
Hell Bunny's spring line is one of my favorites.  I love these dresses from their new collection!  This ocean print dress is such a great summer piece.
And these two blue beauties have been on my radar for quite some time:
a   //   b

This 3D glasses skirt from Kling is fantastic!

Even though it's still slightly snowy here (ugh), I'm dreaming of summer with these adorable pool floats!
1   //   2

Spring and summer are ideal seasons for flower crowns, and this one definitely caught my eye:

I also loved this video that involves flowers (and other silly items) + sleepy cats!

And finally, here are three pieces I really found valuable during this week:

Have a fabulous Friday!
xox Sammi

This post contains affiliate links.  If you make a purchase after clicking on one of these links, I may receive a small commission, which helps to run my blog.  I link only to items and brands I absolutely love.  Thank you for supporting The Soubrette Brunette!