Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Blogger Interview: Liana from Finding Femme

Happy April 1st!  I took a brief hiatus from my blogger interview series, but it's back this month!  Today's Q&A is with the lovely Liana from Finding Femme.  Liana is a multi-talented, elegant & stylish gal from Australia, and I'm thrilled that she's agreed to share some facts about herself (as well as her beautiful blog photos) this morning.  Get to know more about Liana below and be sure to visit her blog!

australian blogger

Name: Liana Skewes

Age: 28

Where you blog: I'm over on Finding Femme.  I blog a weekly fashion outfit, usually in a classic fashion style. I also write poetry and talk about things that I find interesting or thought-provoking.

How did you get into blogging? I started in 2006 and initially it was a little bit of clothes, things I liked, beautiful things I saw and events I went to. It was a fun way for me to explore photography and to indulge in creative writing, which I don't do enough. Eventually, my interest in clothes and photography, and my desire to write, became what my blog is today. It was a big thing to commit to posting one series of outfit photos each week, but I've been doing that for a year now and it's become part of my routine. 

finding femme

Where you work or what you study in school: I both work and study. I work at a University in a department that develops and runs academic support programs for undergraduate students. My role includes some diverse stuff like social media and web editing, marketing, photography, content development, and doing fun things with data and spreadsheets. I can go from corporate meetings to walking around the campus in a Wonder Woman cape. It's an amazing job. I also study on top of that. I'm doing a Bachelor of Arts with subjects in literature and history. It's dense stuff. I've had the pleasure of studying everything from Harry Potter and Game of Thrones to fairy tales. The most life changing thing I have studied was a unit on the Holocaust. That unit put my life into perspective and is the context which I use view the world around me.

What's your dream job? An author. It was one of my passions growing up and I don't give myself enough time to work on it now. I try to make up for that during NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) though.

hogwarts blog

Your favorite musician, singer or band: This changes month to month. Electric Mary are my favourite band. Lianne La Havas is probably my favourite singer and songwriter. I also love Phox, La Roux, The D, Kimbra, Taylor Swift, Marina and the Diamonds, Christine and the Queens, Francoise Hardy, Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, and Clairy Browne and the Bangin Rackettes.

Your favorite musical: The Slipper and the Rose, and then Chicago. If you haven't seen The Slipper and the Rose before, you need to check it out. It's a Cinderella story musical and was nominated for an Oscar for best original score.

Favorite book (from childhood or now): Harry Potter. Nothing has ever transported me like these books did.

Your favorite movie? Children of Men

And your favorite Disney movie? Treasure Planet

fashion blogger

Your favorite guilty pleasure? This is a tough one. I don't feel guilty about anything I indulge in, so how about a favourite indulgence? Gin. Or Nintendo 64.

What's your favorite season and why? Autumn. Autumn is like the whole world is at peace. It's still mildly warm, the trees turn electric with their colours, the light becomes golden at the end of the day. It's the most romantic season.

What's one thing that most people might not know about you? I have a black belt in Karate. I fell out of training about a year after getting to that level and I want to get back into it. While I was training, I competed in some national competitions doing martial arts demonstrations and have some trophies as tall as I am. I miss it a lot. It used to be my whole life.

girl with tea

Favorite TV show or fictional character with whom you identify: Anne Elliot in Persuasion by Jane Austen.

Drink of choice: Tea. Specifically the Earl Grey by La Maison du Thé.

Favorite food in the world: Tough choice between fresh homemade pasta, scallops, doughnuts, cookies or hot crossed buns.

Do you have a celebrity crush? Jamie Beck the fashion photographer/stylist. I die. Also, Sigourney Weaver.

Which actress would play you in a movie version of your life? Carey Mulligan.

beret girl

Your favorite place to shop, favorite clothing brand or favorite designer: Miss Patina or Review Australia. I also daily check the Modcloth app for new arrivals.

What's the most beloved article of clothing you own? A houndstooth cape I had made. I haven't blogged it yet, though. Or the Doc Martens I inherited from my sister when she died. I'm always reminded when I wear them that we had the same size feet. It's little things like that that make me miss her.

If you could live during any other time period, what would it be? A long time ago, but in a galaxy far, far away.

vintage girl with bike

Do you have a style icon?  If so, who? Jamie Beck, Nigella Lawson, Taylor Swift, Emma Watson.

How would you describe your personal style? Classic. I love having clothes that will look beautiful in ten years, not just for the season. I try not to take my own style too seriously, to give myself room to play and have fun.

Do you have a favorite fashion mantra or piece of style advice?  It used to be "beauty is pain." I've learned a few things since then. The most important of which is, buy clothes to fit you now, not the shape or size you want to me. Your clothes shouldn't remind you of your inadequacies, they should remind you that you should love your body as it is.

Go-to accessory? Hat. Cloche or beret. Easiest way to fix bad hair is to hide it.

What are some other blogs that you love? THIS ONE ERMAHGHERD. Also... The Carnabetian ArmyPandoraThe Clothes HorseBuddle and Squeak.  There are many many more...

girl with tulle skirt

What's been your favorite post from your blog so far (or favorite outfit you've worn)?  
I am pretty fickle when it comes to favourite blog posts. I was made sharply aware of this fact when I tried to compile a list of my best outfits of 2014 (it's an awesome blog post with moving pictures. You can find it here!). Anyway, I have a new favourite every few weeks. That being said, my current absolute favourite is the tulle skirt outfit I did at the end of March (which you can find here). I love my fading rose gold hair, I love the skirt, and the lighting we had to do the photos was awesome.

If you could wear only one outfit every day for the rest of your life, what would it be? I don't think I can answer this. It makes me sad just thinking about it. It's like being told you'll only have porridge forever. You might like porridge more than anything, but when you have to have it every meal, nobody likes it.

Anything else you'd like to talk about? I'm a die-hard lover of the old fashioned letter. If you love letter writing, you can start with a pen pal the old fashioned way. There's an amazing organisation called the International Geek Girl Pen Pal Club. You sign up and they pair you with another geek girl with similar interests. Check out the website for more details.

Also, if you think we have stuff or style in common, you can find me on all the things:
bloglovin feedly instagram pinterest facebook tumblr

finding femme blog

Thanks so much again to Liana for being a part of my interview series!  If you're interested in being considered for this Q&A series, feel free to e-mail me so I can check out your blog and see if you'd be a good fit!

Have a great day!
xox Sammi

PS: I also have some exciting news to announce!  Tune in to my Instagram later today to get the scoop, or check back here tomorrow for more details!  :) 

Monday, December 1, 2014

Blogger Interview: Serli from Le Soleil Chic

Goodness gracious, it's already December 1st?!  November absolutely flew by, and luckily, I have the perfect post with which to usher in December.  Today's Q&A is with the adorable Serli from Le Soleil Chic.  I instantly took a liking to this sweet SoCal gal with a love of novelty prints and retro-inspired dresses.  Get to know more about Serli below, and be sure to follow her blog!

vintage blogger

Name: Serli (pronounced like Sara-Lee)

Age: 24

Where do you blog?  I blog over at Le Soleil Chic, which is French for "The Stylish Sun."  I am weirdly obsessed with anything sun-related (sunflowers, sunshine, sunsets, etc.), so the name was perfectly-fitting!  When I created my blog, I strictly had fashion in mind, but over time I've started to incorporate my daily life and other interested into my posts.

How did you get into blogging?  I decided to start blogging fairly recently -- this past summer -- when I realized I wanted to share my style with more than those I saw in person every day.  Blogging has connected me with a whole community of stylish and inspiring ladies who share my tastes in fashion from all corners of the world.  Yay for the internets!

Where you work or what you study/studied in school:  I graduated from UCLA two years ago with a psychobiology degree and landed a job there soon after as a research assistant in a cancer research lab (where I currently work).  The job can get pretty science-heavy, so having a fashion hobby on the side is a fun and refreshing outlet!

What's your dream job?  To be a professional food taster.  I'm a huge foodie and love going to new restaurants.  Thankfully, Los Angeles has a diverse food scene!  I'd love to travel just so I could try foods from different countries.  At the moment though, I'm trying to get Elite status on Yelp.  Baby steps!


Your favorite musician, singer or band:  Coldplay.  I associate a lot of their songs with happy memories.  Their music is almost hypnotic and listening to them always lifts my mood.  I went to their concert last year and it was amazing.

Your favorite musical:  I have never actually been to a musical!  Le sigh.  I would love to see Wicked, but I miss it every time.

What's your favorite Disney movie?  Frozen (not to be cliche).  I love how it's centered on the love between two sisters!  It's a nice change from the usual prince-and-princess-live-happily-ever-after ending.  And who doesn't like warm hugs?!

What's your favorite guilty pleasure?  Shopping... online shopping.  Yay for the internets, part 2!  Speaking of which, I might or might not have gone a little crazy with all the Black Friday deals...

What's one thing that most people might not know about you?  I have grapheme synesthesia.  My brain perceives numbers and letters as colors.  I sound like a freak when I try to explain it, so usually I don't try to!

bernie dexter poppy dress

Drink of choice:  Berry lemonade from my favorite restaurant, Granville.  Why don't more restaurants put berries in their lemonade?

Favorite food in the world:  Fries, any kind.  Sweet potato.  Garlic.  Truffle.  I love 'em all!  Also, Cheesecake Factory has the best sweet corn tamale cakes.

What's your favorite season and why?  Summer, because I love sunshine and the warmth of the sun on my skin.  I'm spoiled living in Southern California -- it feels like summertime almost year-round here.  If we're lucky, we get rain a few times a year, and it's hilarious how everyone freaks out (myself included).

Fictional character with whom you identify:  My friends say I remind them of Jessica Day from New Girl (which is why I started watching it).  I guess it's because she's quirky, a bit naive, and just the right mix of feminine and feminist.  Also, she has an absolutely wonderful wardrobe!  She totally copied my style.  :)

Favorite TV show: The Office!  I can watch reruns for days.  Michael Scott is the best boss ever.  This makes me reconsider my answer to the "dream job" question.  My dream job would be working for Michael Scott!

Favorite book (from childhood or now): The Da Vinci Code.  I love a good mystery thriller novel.  The movie version doesn't do the book justice.

polka dot skirt

What's been your favorite post from your blog thus far?  My favorite post is this one.  Last Christmas, my boyfriend got me this polka dot skirt and chose the green top to go with it.  It's kind of funny that my favorite outfit is one I didn't buy myself.  I added the red heels and red necklace and created a look that reminded me of candy!  It's such a happy and vibrant combination.  I also love this outfit because it reminds me of the good time we had at the beautiful Balboa Park that day.

How would you describe your personal style?  I'd say it's vintage-inspired with a feminine, modern twist.  It can change depending on my mood or where I'm headed.  I love novelty prints, kitschy items and colorful outfits.  Oh, and I love details!  Like I'll wear an airplane-print skirt with an airplane necklace and airplane earrings.  [Didn't I tell you she was a girl after my own heart?  -Sammi]

What's the most beloved article of clothing or accessory you own?  I remember as a kid, my mom had this really cool snake ring made out of real gold that she would wear on special occasions.  She was very protective of it, so you can imagine how excited I was when she decided to give it to me!  It's a beautiful piece that holds sentimental value and I wear it all the time.  I truly cherish it.

What's your go-to accessory?  My black and white Sourpuss Floozy bag.  I sort of bought it on a whim, but it's become a staple in my wardrobe.  It's one of the most versatile purses ever, and I'm so glad I bought it!

Your favorite place to shop, favorite clothing brand or favorite designer:  Definitely Bernie Dexter.  Her dresses are of amazing quality and I love the unique prints.  No other dresses fit and flatter me as perfectly as hers do!  I can't wait to own more of her dresses, especially in the Veronique cut.

bernie dexter veronique

If you could live during any other time period, what would it be?  I'd love to experience the 1950s, if only for a day.  I can see myself wearing the snazziest retro outfit and sitting at a local diner enjoying a milkshake with one of those red and white swirly straws.  The feminist in me would hardly tolerate the whole women's rights struggle thing, so I don't think I'd like to stay for longer than a day!

Do you have a style icon?  If so, who?  I have so many!  A lot of the bloggers I follow have been huge style inspirations since I started my blogging journey.

Do you have a favorite fashion mantra or piece of style advice?  We don't have to have perfect bodies to look good and feel good.  Fashion is an important part of how we express ourselves, and it doesn't matter what your style is as long as you feel confident in it!  Also, money doesn't buy style.  It's about how you put your outfits together, not necessarily how much you spend on them.  Some of my favorite outfits are comprised of pieces I bought at a bargain.

emily & fin

What are some other blogs that you love?  I have so many!  Before I started blogging myself, I found the blogs of ladies whose styles I loved via the ModCloth Style Gallery.  One of these bloggers was Ashley of Southern (California) Belle.  I actually reached out to her with questions about the blogging process, and she was SO helpful and a huge motivator for me to start blogging (and I got to meet her in person too!).  A few other bloggers I'm inspired by are Kate from Scathingly Brilliant, Alexandra of Into The Woods, and Katie & Amanda of Junebugs and Georgia Peaches.  After starting my own blog, I discovered blogs like Sans Scrubs, Prefer to be Demure and of course, The Soubrette Brunette.  Those are only a few -- it's impossible to list all of them!

If you could wear only one outfit for the rest of your life, what would it be?  Something cute, and if I have to wear it forever, it'd have to be comfortable too.  I'm going with the outfit I'm wearing in the first photo of this post, but I'd switch out the heels for comfy flats.

Anything else you'd like to talk about?  As a fairly new blogger, I'm honored that Sammi chose me as her December interview subject.  I love her style, especially all her cute, unique bags!  I had so much fun answering these questions (I learned some things about myself, too)!  Please feel free to drop by my blog and say hello!  I love meeting new people.  <3

Have a great December 1st!
xox Sammi 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Blogger Interview: CiCi from CiCi Marie

I don't know how, but today is November 1st!  That means that it's time for a new blogger interview post, and today's subject is the lovely CiCi from CiCi Marie!  I didn't know her all that well before she sent me her answers to my interview questions, and it was so nice to find out more about her!  Get to know this lovely, vintage-loving English rose & be sure to check out her blog!

CiCi Marie blog

Name: My real name (and not many of my readers know this!) is Carly!  CiCi Marie is a play on my initials/middle names.

Age: 28

Tell me about your blog: My blog, CiCi Marie, mostly features outfit photos, the majority of which are photographed in and around where I live, which is the beautiful, old university city of Cambridge in the UK. The blog’s given me a great excuse to drive around finding the prettiest places nearby for me to stand in front of, with or without a curious/puzzled audience!

How did you get into blogging? I was talked into it by a friend, who proposed a joint venture so that we could keep a flow of content up while we both worked full time. I took a lot of convincing, because as much as I loved other blogs, the only thing I felt I could write about was how I dressed, and the idea of taking outfit photos terrified me! Anyway, she managed it and we started contributing together for a year, but ultimately her heart wasn’t in it and she left. The blog was originally called CiCi & Marie, because she was technically ‘Marie,' but as we chose the name partly because we both have Marie as a middle name, it fortunately made sense to keep it! The blog’s changed so much since its beginning - if you go back to the early posts you might be surprised at just how different they were.

Where you work or what you studied in school: I work for a relatively well-known book publisher in London, in their division that publishes books for university students and scholars.

What's your dream job? In terms of what’s realistic, I’m probably doing it, as I love working with books, but like many bloggers, I’m sure, these days what I’d love to do is blog full­-time. Otherwise, if I could only be paid substantially to puppy­-sit...

vintage blogger

Your favorite musical artist: A few years ago I’d have tried really hard to sound cool in this answer... but I’m not. I basically listen to most pop music. I’m going through a bit of a Franki Valli and the Four Seasons phase at the moment, having seen the Jersey Boys biopic recently.

Your favorite musical: I’m one of those people who doesn’t really get along with musicals, but considering how much I loved the Jersey Boys film, I’ve been meaning to see the musical for a while.

Your favorite movie? I’m not that into them, but one of my all-­time favourites is Some Like it Hot!

Your favorite guilty pleasure? If I’m given control of the TV remote, I will watch the worst soaps and trash. I don’t remotely enjoy "intelligent" programmes; documentaries everyone else will rave about for weeks largely bore me to tears.

Drink of choice: Rum ’n Coca Cola... but actually, I get very sick after a very small amount of alcohol, so I tend to avoid it.

Favorite food in the world? It’s easier to say what I don’t eat, as I’m an eating fiend (one day it will catch up with me!)... and that’s essentially parsnips, beetroot and lemon-­flavoured things. If it has chocolate, I’m there. I eat chocolate in some form every single day!

Lindy Bop dress
What's your favorite season and why? Summer! Probably because I’m a Brit and all we do all year is wait to see some sunshine and feel a bit of warmth, and then once it happens, it’s like actual magic has happened and it takes over our media ­and most of us complain it’s too hot. Not me, mind, I love the heat!

Do you have a celebrity crush? According to my boyfriend, I fancy anyone who’s more of an "acquired" taste... e.g. Cillian Murphy, Ben Whishaw, Benedict Cumberbatch... in my defense, I much prefer interesting to obviously attractive. And also, that probably doesn’t say much about my boyfriend so he should probably watch his mouth ;)

Which actress would play you in a movie version of your life? Natalie Portman, please! Because a) I wish! and b) she’s fairly petite too, so we’d at least be a similar size and c) because I can’t have Audrey Hepburn.

Favorite book (from childhood or now): You might guess from the fact I work in publishing I like books more than a little bit, so this is near impossible to answer having literally read hundreds... but easier to say what it was as a child, as it was a book called The Four­-Legged Ghosts, which is about children living in a house that is haunted by the pets that had previously lived there. I basically just thought it was a great idea having a house full of pets only I could see (I still do).


Your favorite place to shop or favorite clothing brand: This is a hard call but I think I’d have to say that UK-­based Collectif is my number one. I’ve been buying clothes from them since they first started out, when a lot of pieces involved neon leopard print (thankfully, in those days, I quite liked neon leopard print), among other quite "alternative" things. I’ve loved following their growth and change as a company and still avidly watch as their new season items come in (and, let’s be honest, buy most of them). What I love about them is their range and 50s influences, and the fact they offer so many great separates as well as dresses, which I much more frequently wear. They are also very involved with and respectful of their customers and fans, which is lovely to see.

How would you describe your personal style? I’d say it’s vintage­-inspired, but largely from the high street. My outfits are predominantly modern pieces, but I try to find a way to put my own 50s­-style twist on them. Of course, I do love a good piece of repro too! Looking like I’m decked out in head-to-toe vintage wouldn't be me, though.

If you could live during any other time period, what would it be? I really wouldn’t, because I couldn’t cope without the internet or gender/racial/etc. equality... but if I could visit, it’s no surprise I’d head back to the 50s for a while so that I’d finally not be the most over-dressed person at the supermarket anymore!

Swedish Hasbeens

What's the most beloved article of clothing you own? Tough! In terms of something I’d struggle to replace now, it’s my Swedish Hasbeens. They go with everything, are really quite a lot more comfy than they look, and I got them for less than half price in a sale a few years ago.

Do you have a style icon? If so, who? I’m hugely inspired by all of the bloggers I follow these days, but the first blogger I ever followed is probably still, all these years later, my absolute icon and I’ve learned a lot about fashion blogging from reading her posts for nearly a decade. Ulrika is incredibly varied in her looks, though she mostly prefers 40s-, 50s- and 60s-inspired outfits, and she just always looks wonderful to me. I love seeing what she puts together and she’s the reason I bought my Hasbeens, after seeing hers. I think a small part of me wants to be her (ok, not that small).

What's one thing that most people might not know about you?  I absolutely love dance­-along video games ­-- the kind you leap around to in front of the TV waving a Wii remote in one hand, looking utterly ridiculous. I have 11 games, including every major Just Dance release, several spinoffs and copycats, such as those entirely devoted to Michael Jackson and Abba. My friend and I got so good at them that when Just Dance 2014 came out and we were able to compete online, we were frequently finishing top 10 out of hundreds of players, and we both got as high 2nd place... the elusive 1st still escapes me though.

hair flower

Go­-to accessory? Probably things that can go on my head ­- whether that’s a hairdo, a hat, headscarf or hair flower. It’s a pretty simple and cheap way to really make a big difference to an outfit and change whether it’s casual, formal or whatever else you fancy. It’s one of the reasons I love having long hair, as I can shape it in so many ways. And I love a good beret in the winter or a flower in the summer.

What's been your favorite post from your blog so far or favorite outfit you've worn? I think my favourite post so far is this one. We went to the beach when it was really cold and windy and I had to really snap out of a massive sulk to get the pictures. It was such a lot of effort, but the result was really rewarding, as the light was amazing and the beach backdrop worked so well with the cloudy grey sky. And I then got to have a cup of tea in a nearby cafe and was really happy going through my camera to see the results, so it reminds me of that feeling. I wouldn’t say it was my most imaginative outfit, and in fact before we left I almost changed completely, but now I’m glad I didn’t.

beach blog post

What are some other blogs that you love? The Freelancer’s FashionblogForever AmberKeiko Lynn, Wish Wish Wish... I could go on and on and there’s something different I love about all of them. And I love this blog because I can rely on it for amazing dresses and the best handbags you’ll ever see!

If you could only wear one outfit every day for the rest of your life, what would it be? So difficult! I can’t commit to one outfit and might burst a blood vessel if I keep trying to think of one, but I do think it would involve my stretch leopard print skirt because leopard print is one of my favourites, it’s extremely comfortable, goes with lots of colours, and can be dressed up or down really easily because it’s almost a sort of wool fabric. It’s also about a size too big, so I’ve got the option to eat a bit too much while wearing it and just take my waist belt off...

leopard pencil skirt

Anything else you'd like to talk about? Just that it’s been very strange writing so much that is so personal for releasing into the internet! It’s made me realise I hardly ever actually talk about myself on my blog... I’ve been trying to improve at that this year, but still a way to go. Oh, and if you visit and leave me a comment, do leave your own blog link and I’ll be sure to check it out :) Thanks again to you, Sammi, for asking me to take part this month x

Have a great Saturday!
xox Sammi

PS: Today is your last chance to enter my Big Birthday Giveaway!  Some seriously amazing prizes are up for grabs, so I promise - you don't want to miss this.  Get all the info & enter here.  You have until midnight (EST) tonight, so don't delay!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Blogger Interview: Jenny from She Loves Dresses

Happy October!  This month is probably my absolute favorite of all -- autumn is in full swing, and it contains both Halloween and my birthday!  Since I adore this month so much, I felt it was only fitting that this month's blogger interview subject be one of my new favorite people: the adorable and ethereal Jenny from She Loves Dresses!  I first "met" Jenny on Instagram, and I was immediately captivated by her love of vintage and sense of whimsy.  She's also incredibly sweet and eloquent, and though she's relatively new to blogging, I always look forward to her carefully-crafted posts.  Get to know more about this gorgeous girl below and be sure to follow her blog and Etsy shop!

vintage blogger

Name: Jennifer Baquing

Age: 26!  I'll be 27 on November 13th :)

Where do you blog?  I blog at She Loves Dresses!  I've been blogging for a little over a month and it's been a really great experience so far.  :)  I blog mostly about vintage fashion, but in the future I would like to write more critically about things I would like to see changed about the fashion industry as a whole, as well as intersectional feminist theory as it relates to pop culture and Millennials.  :)

Where do you work or what did you study in school?  In the evenings, I work for a financial company with my husband Josh in San Francisco, CA, and at an electrical company during the day. I also sell natural gluten-free health supplements and sell jewelry on Etsy. The money is very good at my traditional day jobs, but I don't see myself staying there for much longer. 

What's your dream job?  I would love to blog full-time and open my own brick-and-mortar vintage shop in either San Francisco, CA or Kyoto, Japan. I lived in Japan for two years and miss it terribly. 

sailor girl

Your favorite musical artist:  I really love listening to Hans Zimmer. I mostly prefer music without lyrics, because then my imagination can really run wild. 

Your favorite musical:  Wicked

Your favorite movie:   I really love the movie Serendipity. It's dreamy and romantic, and although I believe that hard work and hustle are what position a person for success and opportunity, the dreamer inside me also loves to hope in something bigger than myself such as fate and density. 

Your favorite guilty pleasure:  I love napping. I don't even need to be tired. I just love to sleep. I'm not getting nearly enough these days, but it's okay!  Hehe. 

Drink of choice: Chocolate chip cookie dough milkshake :D

Favorite food in the world? Sushi from Japan! And pizza! And ice cream! And cookies!

1960s girl

One character from a movie or TV series with whom you identify:  Kiki from Kiki's Delivery Service :)

Do you have a celebrity crush?  Captain America all day long. <3

Which actress would play you in a movie version of your life?  I really love Maggie Q and if she were down to cut some bangs for the role, then that would pretty much be perfect. ;)

Favorite book (from childhood or now): Winnie the Pooh!

What's one thing that most people might not know about you?  My left arm was entirely green from wrist to shoulder (like a birthmark) until I turned 12 and then they became a bunch of freckles!  No freckles on my right arm.  I think it's super cool! 

What's your favorite season and why?  Spring. I love bright colors and pastels in mainstream fashion. Although I don't wear many modern styles, I like being out and watching other people break out their delicate florals and happy prints.

pink vintage dress

How would you describe your personal style? 1950's fit and flare mixed with 1960's babydoll, mixed with Asian street style. 

What's the most beloved article of clothing you own?  My grandmother remarried in the 60's and wore the most beautiful crochet lace mini dress with bell sleeves. She gave it to me a few years ago and it is the most beautiful dress I've ever owned. 

If you could live during any other time period, what would it be?  Many vintage-loving gals have nostalgia for the early/mid 20th century decades, and although I love the fashion, I am happy that I was born in 1987. I don't think I would have had nearly as many opportunities had I been born at an earlier time, especially as a minority. 

vintage blog

Do you have a style icon?  If so, who?  My grandma, Dianne. She is the best dressed lady in my family and was a total 60's bombshell back in the day. Best leggies ever!!!

Your favorite place to shop or favorite clothing brand:  I love vintage shopping in San Francisco. The Haight Ashbury/Mission area has sooo many amazing shops! 

Go-to accessory?  Flower crowns!

If you could only wear one outfit every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?  I guess... This really awesome red 1960's mini with gigantic bib collar!

red vintage collared dress

How did you get into blogging?  I feel like there are gaps that need to be filled in the vintage fashion communities (and fashion blogging communities in general) in regards to representation for people of color. I want to bring awareness about social justice issues within the fashion communities so I can find others who are like-minded and want to work together towards true equality for women of all colors and all sizes. I work with a lot of vintage shop owners in the way that I do so I can help support small businesses as well as get my name out to other people in vintage fashion circles. 

What are some other blogs that you love?  Yours! Of course! SO many to name, but here are some off the top of my head that I read religiously: The Dainty Dolls House, feministkilljoys, Gradient Lair, The October Road, Nora Finds, Princess Lasertron, Prison Culture, and more.

What's been your favorite post from your blog so far (or favorite outfit you've worn)?  It's super hard to choose, but this has been my favorite blog post so far, and it's one of my favorite outfits!

1970s vintage dress

Anything else you'd like to talk about??  I make super adorable jewelry!  
You can find it all in my Etsy shop, She Loves Cute Stuff!

kawaii jewelry

A million thanks to Jenny for agreeing to be this month's interview subject!  I've so enjoyed getting to know more about her -- she is a truly beautiful person both inside and out.  Be sure to follow here here!  

Have a beautiful start to your October!
xox Sammi

Monday, September 1, 2014

Blogger Interview: Sarah of The Petite Pixie

I cannot believe it's already September 1st.  I really can't.  This summer went by way too quickly!!  Luckily, I have an interview with an adorable blogger to help ease the transition into September.  Meet Sarah from The Petite Pixie!  She's cute as a button (and a fellow actress!), and I guarantee you will fall head over heels for her sweet sense of style.

Name:  Sarah A. Garcia

Age:  Freshly 20!

Where do you blog?  I blog over at The Petite Pixie!  It's a personal style blog I started a year ago in efforts to reinvent myself and find somewhere I can share my love of dressing up and be unapologetically me!  I also run Elle Fanning Style, a blog dedicated to finding and sharing pieces from actress Elle Fanning's wardrobe. 

What are you studying in school?  I am currently studying Acting at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco.

What's your dream job?  The goal is to become a movie and/or television star, but I would be just as happy making YouTube videos or being in community theatre for the rest of my life, as long as I'm acting!

How did you get into blogging?  Many years ago in high school, I read blogs constantly and thought about how much fun it would be to start one.  After some trial and error over the span of a few years, I finally found an identity that suits me and that got me excited for what the future of blogging might hold!

What are some other blogs that you love?  Oh gosh, too many!  The Soubrette Brunette (obviously!), Scathingly Brilliant (which was the first blog I discovered that made me want to start blogging), MermaidensA Beautiful MessBriar RosePaige JoannaThe Clothes Horse... just to name a few!

Your favorite musical artist:  I've worshiped Stevie Nicks since I was a kid, and that hasn't stopped to this day.

Your favorite musical:  I know it's super cliché, but Les Misérables was the most beautiful thing I've had the privilege to see on stage thus far.

Your favorite movie?  Once, but I haven't seen the musical version yet!  That may replace Les Mis soon.  [Sammi's note: Such a good choice!!!]

Which actress would play you in the movie version of your life?  Either Carey Mulligan or Emma Stone, as I've been compared to them quite often.

One character from a movie or TV series with whom you identify:  Lily from How I Met Your Mother.  We are literally the same person.

Do you have a celebrity crush?  Nate Ruess, the lead singer of Fun.!  My friends and even my boyfriend know him as "my husband," and the second time I saw him in concert, he smiled at me, so you know our love is real.

Photo credit: Lauren Crow
Your favorite guilty pleasure?  Lately I'm kind of a little too obsessed with "Say Yes to the Dress."

Favorite book (from childhood or now):  My favorite book for years has been Running with Scissors but I've probably forgotten most of it by now!  The most recent book that I've read that was good enough to be deemed one of my favorites is (another cliché) The Fault in Our Stars.

Drink of choice:  I'm so boring, but water.  It's a magical potion, I tell you!

Favorite food in the world?  Macaroni and cheese, hands down.  Any kind, anywhere.

What's your favorite season and why?  I absolutely love autumn.  I've never lived where the leaves change color or anything like that, but I love the feeling of the school year starting and the holidays fast-approaching and the cool air.  It gives me the warm fuzzies inside!

How would you describe your personal style?  On most days, very feminine and girly, with influence from the 1950s and 1960s, but sometimes I like to experiment with different styles as well.

What's been your favorite post from your blog so far?  My favorite post would have to be Pixie Day!  Not only does it match the current layout of my blog (I am sort of a matching freak!), but it was so fun to be a pixie for a day.  That was kind of the true start to the blog, as well.

Do you have a style icon?  If so, who?  Oh, I have so many!  The first two that come to mind are Zooey Deschanel and Elle Fanning, even though she's so much younger than I!  Those two definitely inspired and shaped me to have the personal style I do today.

If you could live during any other time period, what would it be?  Entirely from a style point of view, the 1950s.  I love the 50's housewife look, but I'm not a fan of the whole not-having-rights part of it!

Your favorite place to shop or favorite clothing brand:  I'm a sucker for a good deal, so thrift stores and cheaper brands like Forever 21 and H&M, but when my pockets are feeling a bit fuller, I venture to American Apparel and Topshop.

Go-to accessory?  The pink pearl-banded watch that my boyfriend made me!  It's so perfect in every single way.

What's the most beloved article of clothing you own?  My grandmother's leather and fur coat from the 1960s that she gave me!  I haven't worn it yet because I cherish it so much!

If you could wear only one outfit every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?  It would have to be an A-line dress, belted at the waist, with a cardigan and a pair of comfortable flats.  It is really fit for any occasion and is still incredibly "me!"

Thanks so much to Sarah for being my September interview subject!  Don't forget to swing over to her blog and follow her!  She's such a doll, isn't she??  Have a wonderful first day of the month!

xox Sammi

Friday, August 1, 2014

Blogger Interview: Mariah of Rya Pie

Happy Friday, everyone!  Can you believe it's already August 1st?!  I sure can't.  But the first of the month means that it's time for another installment of my Blogger Interview series!  Today's interview is with the beautiful Mariah of Rya Pie, who always enchants me with her stunning photos and playful fashion sense.  Get to know more about Mariah below, and be sure to follow her blog!

Name:  Mariah Alysz
Age:  21
Where do you blog?  I blog over at Rya Pie!  It started out as a way to be creative and show my outfits, but has expanded to incorporate all parts of my life, like the yummy things I bake or trips I take with friends.
How did you get into blogging?  I started blogging on a bored whim.  I found some blogs online, thought to myself, "that's pretty snazz," and decided to create my own.  It started out on Tumblr, and looking back, I really had no idea what I was doing, but now it's grown into a true passion of mine.
Where do you work or what did/do you study in school?  I currently work at Victoria's Secret, which I am loving, and I'm a full-time student at The Evergreen State College, aiming for a bachelor's degree in cultural studies.
What's your dream job?  Honestly, if I could just stay at home and blog for a living, that would be so spiff, but I'd also like to do more photography jobs (nothing full-time).

Your favorite musical artist:  Definitely Joshua Radin.
Your favorite musical:  Oh gosh, so hard! Mama Mia has been my current obsession, even though I've cried when I've recently watched it, because I miss my mom!  Haha.
Your favorite movie:  Elizabethtown, a highly underrated film.  Go watch it!
Your favorite guilty pleasure:  Cheese fries. Or cheese sticks. Possibly Maury.
Drink of choice:  Diet Crush orange soda.
Favorite food in the world:  Mac'n'cheese.  I could eat that until I die.  I think I'm realizing I have a clear addiction to foods involving melty forms of cheese.
Favorite season and why?  Summer, without a doubt.  I love the heat and the length of the days.  I love the carefree feeling I get, and that amazing smell in the air.  I love being in Arizona when I step outside and it feels like I walked into an oven, or the monsoons there during a hot August day.  Arizona summers forever!

One character from a movie or TV series with whom you identify: My mom and I always thought that I was Elliot from Scrubs.  I'm pretty crazy, and most definitely don't always make sense, but am lovable in the end (no matter how silly I can be).
Do you have a celebrity crush?  I'm defaulting to Johnny Depp for this one.  He is my forever crush.
Which actress would play you in a movie version of your life?  If I could pick, I'd probably go with Kirsten Dunst, just because I think she is beyond adorable and I love her.
If you could live during any other time period, what would it be?  Hmm, the '20s were so exciting, but the fashion of the '50s always tugs at my heartstrings.  I'm going to go with the '50s.
Favorite book (from childhood or now):  Pride and Prejudice.  I love the movie (the newer one with Kiara Knightley), and I used to fall asleep to the books on CD every night growing up.  It is my comfort blanket.  Sometimes Michael reads it to me now when I'm going to bed.

How would you describe your personal style?  I suppose the best way I could describe my personal style would be... reflective.  I wear what I'm feeling, and thus my style reflects my mood. Lately, I've decided to transition into girlier pieces, because I feel those best capture who I really am, inside and out.
What's the most beloved article of clothing you own?  Hmmm, this is a hard one, but probably what I've come to call my Cosby sweater.  I got it in high school because we were all really into ugly sweaters at the time, but then I just got so attached to it that I can't imagine a winter (or even a cold night) without it.  It traveled everywhere around Ireland with me.  It's definitely something I won't ever get rid of.
Do you have a style icon?  If so, who?  Twiggy was a huge influence on me earlier in life.  She was the first fashion icon that ever caught my eye, and even though I don't channel her particular style, she was definitely the first to draw my eye to fashion.

Your favorite place to shop or clothing brand:  I kind of bounce all over the place, but lately I've been really obsessed with ModCloth and a local shop called Hot Toddy.
If you could wear only one outfit every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?  Oh jeez, this is hard.  One part of me wants to say a super cute yet comfy dress with some good wedges, but the other part of my wants to say I'd just steal one of Michael's button-ups and rock it with some skinny jeans and be way too comfortable... but I'd probably choose a dress, like the one above.  I already have this in three different colors, so I'm part-way there!
Go-to accessory?  Lipstick.  I always forget to buy jewelry, so my collection is pretty small, but the perfect lip color always pulls a look together for me.

What are some other blogs you love?  I love The Clothes Horse, What Olivia Did, Delightfully Tacky, Scathingly Brilliant, and of course, this one <3
What's been your favorite post from your blog so far?  This was a pretty difficult question, but I have to choose this recent post.  Everything just seemed to come together for it, and I felt so comfy and cute.  Michael even had the genius idea to incorporate the watering can, and my favorite posts are the ones where both the outfit and photos make me feel good.

Thanks a bunch to Mariah for being my interview subject for this month!  If you're interested in being considered for this monthly Q&A series, feel free to e-mail me.  

Have a great start to your August!
xox Sammi

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Blogger Interview: Angela from The Passionista

Happy July 1st, everyone!  This summer is already going by way too quickly for my taste.  But with a new month comes a new blogger Q&A, and this month's interview subject is Angela from The Passionista!  Angela is a super-adorable fashion student (and proud Vespa owner!) who's new to the blogging scene.  Get to know more about this print-loving lady below!

Name:  Angela
Age:  23
Where do you blog?  My blog is The Passionista!  It's a personal style blog with added bits of DIY for right now.
What do you study in school?  I'm in my junior year as a fashion merchandising major at Kent State University.  I also sell vintage clothing on eBay (though I'm looking to switch over to Etsy soon).
How did you get into blogging?  I really started my blog as a style portfolio, but I started noticing how inspiring other bloggers were, and I just wanted to be a part of this super creative community!
What's your dream job?  To work at ModCloth.  Like, any position.  I'd polish shoes for them if it meant I could be a part of their wonderful company, haha!  But seriously, their Pittsburgh office is only an hour away from me and it would be a dream!

Favorite musical artist:  The Beatles
Favorite musical:  Mama Mia!
Favorite movie:  This is crazy that I'm picking just ONE, but I'm going to have to go with Stepbrothers, with Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly - so hilarious!
Favorite food in the whole wide world:  I would bring dishonor to my very Italian family if I said anything but pasta here.  So yes, pasta!
Favorite book:  My Life in France by Julia Child
Favorite guilty pleasure:  I couldn't be a fashion major if my guilty pleasure wasn't shopping.

What's your favorite season and why?  Spring is most definitely my favorite season because of the treacherously long winters we have in Snohio -- oops, I mean Ohio -- so it's like the light at the end of the tunnel.  Also, my birthday is on April 13th AND I get to ride my Vespa again after a long winter of it being locked away ;)
Does your Vespa have a name?  Yes!  Her name is Vivian, or "Vivi" for short!
Do you have a celebrity crush?  Yes - Jason Mraz.  I've attended 4 of his concerts, and planning on another during his upcoming fall tour.  Swoon.
Which actress would play you in the movie version of your life?  Mindy Kaling, all the way.  I've been told by friends that our senses of humor are similar.
If you could live during any other time period, what would it be?  Definitely the '60s -- I would be one of those crazy girls at a Beatles concert, wearing an awesome Twiggy-inspired frock.  :)

How would you describe your personal style?  My style is forever changing.  I like to switch up my style daily so sometimes it's very classic and vintage-inspired, and other times it's full of prints and polka dots.  I like to dress based on how I feel... but if I'm having a bad day, you can bet I'm about to put on something colorful!  
Do you have a style icon?  If so, who?  My grandma is my #1 style icon.  She knew how to keep things interesting, feminine and classy all at once.  Whenever I see photos of her, I take note of everything she was wearing, down to the accessories.
What's your most beloved article of clothing?  I have one vintage black shirtdress I received from my grandma, and it will forever be my favorite.  It's so simple, but very elegant.  My family always says I got my style from her - she was such a classic beauty and I miss her dearly!
What's your favorite place to shop or favorite clothing brand?  ModCloth, ASOS and Simply Be are my three top faves, but nothing beats a good vintage/thrift store find!
What's your go-to accessory?  Glasses are my necessary accessory, but I love unique and colorful frames!  I'd probably wear them even if I didn't have bad eyes.
If you could wear only one outfit for the rest of your life, what would it be?  I'd definitely wear a dress (with pockets), flats and a cardi.  Keep it feminine and comfortable!

What's been your favorite post from your blog so far?  My favorite post so far is "On Self Confidence."  It was one of those posts that I hesitated writing, but I also felt really compelled to share my self-confidence struggles and successes.  I'm a true believer that everyone at any size can feel fantastic about themselves.
What are some other blogs that you love?  Besides The Soubrette Brunette, I love Annabel and Lee, The Red Lip Chronicles, and Thriftburgher.  They're all really great and super-inspiring ladies!
Anything else you'd like to mention?  I'm a Style Ambassador for, and if you aren't already familiar with Coastal -- and you just happen to be a girl (or guy!) with glasses -- you should check them out!  They have a really unique selection of eyewear that's available either as a prescription or for fashion purposes.

Thanks so much to Angela for being a part of my blogger interview series!  Be sure to check out all of her adventures over at The Passionista!  If you'd like to be considered for my monthly interview series, be sure to send me an e-mail

Have a great Tuesday!
xox Sammi

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Blogger Interview: Shermy from Shermette (+ Onecklace giveaway winner!)

Hi, everyone!  Happy June!  Since it's the first of the month, that means it's time for my monthly blogger interview.  I love highlighting and getting to know new bloggers, and this month, I'm featuring the gorgeous Shermy from the blog Shermette!  Shermy's blog focuses on all things vintage, and I'm absolutely enamored with her style and stunning photos.  Here's your chance to learn all about this Canadian beauty!  Be sure to follow her over at Shermette.  (Oh, and the winner of the Onecklace giveaway is listed at the bottom of this post!)

Name: Shermy

Age: 25

Where you blog: I blog at!  My blog is about vintage and vintage-inspired outfits, findings and travels.

How did you get into blogging?  I started blogging as sort of a creative outlet. There isn't a vintage scene at all where I live, so I just decided to share some of my endeavours online!

Where you work or what you studied in school:  Since I was a young teenager, I have worked for my family's school bus company.  Aside from that, I am an eyelash extension stylist!  My dad and I are also known to shoot a wedding here and there as well, as I'm also a photographer.

What's your dream job?  I have never really pondered this question much before, but I think my dream job would be a fashion stylist (preferably vintage).  I thought I'd like to run a vintage shop, but heck, I like buying and finding vintage, not selling it!  I'm also always trying to dress people, so maybe it's my calling!

Your favorite musical artist: I am very passionate about music and love so many genres and artists, but I really believe Perry Como is my all-time favourite, for many different reasons. Not only did that man have the voice of an Italian angel, but listening to his music as a kid just made me plain ol' happy. I feel so lucky to have had his music as a soundtrack for my life! Nowadays, older music is sometimes viewed as "silly" or "cheesy," but honestly, I think the general population would have happier lives if they listened to it!

Your favorite musical:  It was a toss-up, but South Pacific. I watched this so many times that when I was 11, I broke the VHS tapes.  Balllliiii Haiiii...

Drink of choice:  Not to be unhealthy, but Coke in the glass bottle. It tastes totally different than the can.

Favorite food in the world?  POTATO SALAD.  I'm pretty sure this song is about me.

Favorite book (from childhood or now):  No book has ever inspired me more than the first Harry Potter book.

What's your favorite season and why?  Fall has always been my favourite, as the climate where I live (Ontario, Canada) is the most ideal in the fall, and there's just something magical about the colourful leaves.

 Do you have a celebrity crush?  Clint Eastwood.  More specifically, "young" Clint Eastwood.

Which actress would play you in the movie version of your life?  So this ended up being a community question, as I had no idea! But my friend suggested Elizabeth Banks, and I really think that suggestion hit the nail square on the head!

 If you could live during any other time period, what would it be?  Clearly, I'm a huge fan of the 40s, 50s and 60s, but sometimes I really just wonder what a real home-cooked meal in the 1800s/early 1900s would have tasted like. I know that's random, but everything today is so genetically-altered, and our generation may never know how food was intended to taste. Mind you, I am accustomed to some modern conveniences, so I guess I would like to be my age now, maybe living on a farm in the late 1940s.

How would you describe your personal style?  Vintage with a side of kitsch.  As much as I love vintage, it can look dowdy if you're not careful, so I always try to spice it up with a little kitschiness!

Your favorite place to shop or favorite clothing brand:  Hmm, I really enjoy any flea market, vintage clothing store, or antique mall. The thrill of the hunt gets me every time! As brands go, my favorites are likely Pinup Girl Clothing and Trashy Diva. 

What's the most beloved article of clothing you own?  I searched through my things trying to decide, but I think my favourite piece is a little boys' 50s rayon Hawaiian shirt I found at an antique mall. It works perfectly for me as a crop tie top, and the colours are so vibrant! I'm crazy about anything tropical!
Shermy's favorite Hawaiian shirt
Do you have a style icon?  If so, who?  I find myself drawing inspiration from so many sources, but if I need to choose one, I do really love Betty Grable.

Go-to accessory:  I've been a purse girl for a long time.  (Yes, Sammi, I've been eyeing all of yours!)

If you could only wear one outfit every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?  Well, let's pretend the weather is nice all the time here, and I'll say probably just one of my vintage cotton day dresses. One with pockets. I'm trying to approach this question with some logic, as I'd normally want to say my puffy pink 50s prom dress!

What's been your favorite post from your blog so far?  Reading back through my posts, I have decided my favourite post is Washington Bound! I really liked my outfit (maybe not my favourite), but my husband and I really had a great time that day. Washington was really something to see, and the weather was so beautiful. Back home, we were still in snow drifts!

from Shermy's favorite post, "Washington Bound!"
Anything else you'd like to talk about?  I want to mention the Toronto Vintage Society, and suggest that anyone in and around Toronto check it out! There's plenty of "old time fun" events to attend, and plenty of opportunities to wear your favourite vintage outfits. Also, stay tuned, as in the near future, I'm launching a line of tropical hair flowers! More info will be up on my blog soon!

Thanks so much to Shermy for agreeing to do this Q&A on such late notice!  Be sure to follow her vintage adventures over at Shermette to see get all the latest!  And without further ado, the winner of the Onecklace customized name necklace giveaway is....

Congratulations, Carla!  Onecklace will be in touch with you about claiming your prize.  Thank you so much to those of you who entered! :)

Have a great Sunday!
xox Sammi