Friday, December 27, 2013

Friday Favorites #34: New Year's Eve!

It's hard to believe that Christmas is already over, and that the next holiday is hot on its heels!  To me, New Year's Eve is filled with feathers, frills, faux fur, and everything festive and fun!  I don't even know what I'm doing this year, though I think it's going to be the first time in a while that I'm not going out for it.  New Year's Eve has romantic connotations for me (and for most people, probably), but I've had just as much fun with friends on NYE, and sometimes I miss the simplicity of that.  Whatever I end up doing, you can bet I'll still be dressed to the nines!  Here are some of my top pieces that are perfect for ringing in the new year, starting with the quintessential NYE hue: black!
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I definitely want to have a masquerade party at some point (I thought about having one for my birthday this year, but NYE would be a perfect time!).  And that feathered capelet is everything.  I've worn black for nearly every New Year's Eve in the recent past, but last year, I wore a light gold brocade dress that I absolutely loved.  Gold is a wonderful option for this holiday, and I love it because there are so many different tones of gold to choose from!

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7 // 8 // 9 // 10 // 11 // 12 // 13

I don't incorporate a ton of sparkle and glitter into what I normally wear, but I think it's perfect --  and sometimes necessary! -- for New Year's Eve!  Gold is definitely what I prefer, but I think silver can be a really pretty option, especially when it's snowy outside!

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For some reason, I always opt for neutrals for this holiday, but I think these two brighter dresses would be divine for NYE festivities:

via ASOS

I think pink is a wonderful idea for this holiday, and this beautiful blush color is a great way to make a basic have more pop!  These peachy pieces remind me of bubbly pink champagne!

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And speaking of champagne, isn't this Bernie Dexter champagne print dress adorable?

After the partying is over, you remember that a whole new year has begun, and you think about all that the new year has in store.  I'm planning on doing a New Year's Eve outfit post and really reflect on my year in that, but I wanted to say that I really loved this list of blogging resolutions!  I have so many goals and resolutions I want to strive for this year.  In fact, the sheer amount of things I want to accomplish is a little overwhelming, but here is a sampling of my many New Year's resolutions:

* learn how to drive!!!
* create a budget & save at least one full paycheck per month
* organize my bedroom and do a full makeover
* clean out my closets (and listing many more pieces in my shop my closet store!)
* make headway on my website
* upload production videos to YouTube and start work on a reel
* make exercise a priority again
* be diligent about Weight Watchers
* make a blogging schedule calendar & work on other blogging goals from list
* start to figure out more long-term goals (where I want to live, how I'm going to go about it, etc.) -- this is definitely the most daunting one at this point!
* work harder, but remember to be kind to myself
 * be okay with being single & remember to always find the joy

What are some of your New Year's resolutions?  Do you end up keeping them?  I feel like my most meaningful goals and promises to myself didn't come from New Year's resolutions at all.  I don't think it's ever been enough to motivate me, frankly.  But I hope I'll do better with my goals this year!

Have a wonderful Friday!
xox Sammi