Thursday, May 30, 2013

Fairy teatime

Outfit Details:
Teacup shirt: Urban Outfitters (old)
Mermaid Mini Circle Skirt: Urban Outfitters
Belt: from another dress
Sparkly jelly flats: JCPenney
Tea time double ring: Ever Ours (sold out, but available here)

This time of day is pretty magical.  If I were going to a fairy tea party, this might be what I'd wear.  

Have a magical day!
xox Sammi

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Fuss and feathers

Outfit Details:
Lavender dress: Fancy That Vintage
Feather headband: Forever 21 (old)
Clock necklace: Forever 21
Belt: from another dress
Flats: Urban Outfitters (on sale!)

I don't have a lot to say today.  It's funny... this wasn't one of my favorite outfits at the time, but I love how these photos came out.  Sometimes it's the exact opposite.

These pictures make me feel quiet and graceful and serene.
Have a beautiful Wednesday.
xox Sammi

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

(Green) Tea and (Baby) Biscuits

Outfit Details:
Mint dress: Chicwish
White flats: ASOS
Bracelet: American Eagle (old)
Baby Biscuit purse: Geek Heaven (Storenvy)

I really love this dress.  The scalloped details are too cute.  And it's hard to tell here, but it's actually a beautiful, light celery color (not a true mint), which is lovely for spring.

I really have no idea what "baby biscuit" means but it's very kawaii and me-sounding, and the bag is literally shaped like a biscuit and has a bow on it.  So, I couldn't NOT get it.

Have a terrific Tuesday!
xox Sammi

Monday, May 27, 2013

Absolutely dotty

Outfit Details:
Suspender skirt: Exile Vintage
White button-down: Target (old)
Polka dot hat: ASOS (old)
White flats: Yeswalker
Heart necklace: ASOS (sold out)

I love this vintage suspender skirt!  Exile Vintage has such wonderful things.  Most of their pieces are too small for me (and truth be told, this skirt is *almost* too tight), but I love browsing their shop!  I had bought this hat long before I found the skirt, so when I saw it, I knew I'd have to pair the two together.  I also thought this outfit would be appropriate for Memorial Day, since it's not completely patriotic-looking, but gives just a hint of it.

Have a great Monday!

xox Sammi

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Eggs on toast

Outfit Details:
A Toast to Julie Dress: ModCloth
Storybook Of My Life Flats: ModCloth
Boiled Egg Charm Necklace: ASOS (out of stock)
Spoon ring: Mom's

The first time I saw the quirky print of this dress, I knew it needed to be hanging up in my closet.  Not only does it have this adorable toaster print, but it also sports polka dot trim and pockets!

I thought it was appropriate to keep the breakfast theme going.

When I took these outfit photos earlier this week, I unknowingly received a lovely bug bite from some type of black, winged bug... which resulted in my right eye becoming half-swollen shut.  I kind of looked like the monster from The Goonies (I may be exaggerating... slightly).  We were supposed to take some publicity photos on Thursday (I'm not telling what they're for yet!  Shh!), and though we ended up rescheduling due to the weather, I was really stressed out about the whole deformed eye thing.  My doctor ended up giving me a Prednisone to take over a couple of days, and that did the trick almost immediately.  It turns out I am a very vain creature.  I should have known this already, probably.  After all, I have a blog where I mostly just post photos of myself wearing cute clothes.  

But anyway, my point is that I am a little behind on outfit photos; I sometimes like to photograph a couple outfits in a day, in order to get ahead, so hopefully I can take a few today.  My other point is that I have an exciting (for me, at least) little announcement coming soon!  It has to do with a project I'll be working on that not a lot of people know about yet!  :)

Have a wonderful Sunday!
xox Sammi